Author Topic: Need to start training TOUCHY 4.75 month old  (Read 3771 times)

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Offline Sharwellstudio

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Re: Need to start training TOUCHY 4.75 month old
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2016, 22:20:24 pm »
Hi again. Thanks for the info. I decided he seemed more uncomfy at night and even after eating during the day (more spit up and some that came out his nose!) that I called the doc and had his reflux med dose increased yesterday--had 3 doses of the increase and already seems better. I also bolstered the crib wedge more so he is less reclined. It isn't as inclined as the rock n play but I think it will help. Thank you both for thinking for it too. Reaffirms I am not marking up his reflux.

By some small miracle I got him to sleep this morning just after 6 after he woke at 4:45. Just laid with him and did gentle pats and he fell asleep for 45 min so we actually got do a 7am wake up schedule. He went down for his first nap with 1:57 A time and the same for nap 2... He slept an hour and 20 for first nap with no intervention and 1:30 for the second. !!!!!!!!!  Amazing.

Maybe nights with follow suit. I will keep you posted.

If you wouldn't mind answering a few questions though...  what do I do with an early wake up?  Do I still follow the 2-2-2-2 or do I shoot for a 9:00 nap to start the day?

Offline grace annes mommy

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Re: Need to start training TOUCHY 4.75 month old
« Reply #31 on: March 17, 2016, 17:30:59 pm »
Glad you got a meds increase.  Here, it usually takes about a week to see full results.

I usually try to resettle any NWs before 6am.  If you can't resettle, I might try to push the As just enough to get us thru the day but not so much you're dealing with OT.  If it's a regular thing, you'll have to look at the bigger picture - is he chronically OT, is there a routine issue, is it a self-settling issue, or is his clock just prone to early rising.

Offline Sharwellstudio

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Re: Need to start training TOUCHY 4.75 month old
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2016, 16:48:58 pm »
Ok so naps have been pretty good, considering his age and his totally new environment. We have some days of 1.5 hr naps and some with 38 min that extend another 15 with my help (shh/ pat). So 3-4 naps a day. Is there a time when he wont need my help to extend naps?

Nights are definitely improved since med increase. He is back to waking 3x to eat (11:00ish, 2or 3:00ish and 5:30ish) and no other random night wakings. Still having a hard time getting him back to sleep after that 5:30 wake up. Also, We haven't had a change at all in his sleep pattern after bedtime... Been this way since early December... Wakes within 20-60 min of going to bed. Doesn't matter if it is 2 hours A time or 3 hours A time. I can shh/pat and do a few PUPD to get him back to sleep but he's up again shortly there after. Still pulling him in bed with me cause I'm still recovering from all the prevucrazy nights. We will do nighttime training soon. 1-2-4 weeks... Whenever  I can garner the courage!!!!  Suggestions on how to go about doing it?  Thinking of dada doing a bottle dream feed early in the night (10 or 10:30) and then I feed him at 2 or 3 and then refuse to feed until 7ish.