Hi ladies11
What do you think I should do for DD who is almost 6 months (on the 7th April)? I've changed her bottle and teat to MAM size 2 but she keeps collapsing the teat and I have to break the seal and let the bubbles flow back through the bottle. I've been trying the next size up and it's just far too fast for her and she cries and won't even suck because the milk practically pours in. I'd changed her from her Pigeon bottles which had a variflow teat because she's just been so fussy and not drinking (although this is no unusual, she's been pretty bad at drinking since she was born!!).
I don't have the $$ to keep trialling new bottles at this stage. Should I just vent the bottle accordingly and let her continue on this teat or keep trying her with the fast flow?
Many thanks,