Tnx Lolly. In my opinion, her reflux is under control. She is on a good dose of medication and although I know it can flare up in stressful situations and we have bad days from time to time, all symptoms have gone. My older daughter had sever reflux too so unfortunately it's something I'm very familiar with. I'm not saying it's definitely not that but I would be very surprised.
I am breastfeeding her every 2-3 hours but she will only feed for a few minutes a lot a time. I have a heavy let down but I still don't think she is getting enough due to the amount of and quality of her wet nappies. Also she used to have a dirty nappy once a day - now it's perhaps every 3-4 days and very little.
I had planned on going on solids from next week anyway 17 weeks) as this is highly recommended for reflux babies. The solids I have started are highly loaded with milk so that is one way of increasing her milk intake.
I tried dreamfeeding from the first day it started as this worked well with my first daughter but as soon as the bottle reaches her lips, she moves away in her sleep and if I keep trying, she wakes screaming. I have tried just when she's sleepy and when waking but she refuses point blank!
Easter Sunday I resorted to syringe feeding, as she had one wet nappy that day
I syringe on bad days now but she will only take up to 40mls of either formula or breastmilk this way.
The nose implant is something she has to wear for three months in order to keep the shape of her nostrils after the operation, as they cut muscle from around her nose. It restricts her breathing when she is feeding so I remove it when she is eating.
I have basically tried to eliminate all possibilities - I don't think it's pain wrt her lip or teething as paracetamol makes no difference, I have tried different types of milk, I have changed to several types if bottle and teats... Apart from negative association, I cannot figure out what it could be (while in hospital, she was incubated, had nasal and throat aspirations twice a day for four days, had several types of mediation syringed into her mouth and all that on top of the pain linked to the actual operation) . And if it IS negative association, what can I do to make it better