hi there,
I have a post going on the NW board but decided to post here too since my little girl is now 13.5 months. she has been on 1 nap since she was 10months old, mainly because she handled A time well and gave us nasty long NW's. they have stopped since and she is sleeping through the night sometimes however gets up really early. she used to sleep till 7am, then it became 6, then 5.30 etc and now its sometimes as early as 4am. I cannot accept this and really don't know what to do. I think her waking is OT related, read somewhere that its an indicator for OT when babies wake after 9/10 hrs of sleep. for a week I tried really early BT around 5.40pm, she settled quite quickly, usually around 6pm, but on those nights she actually had loads of NW's and not necessarily a later wu in the morning, only once I think she slept till 6am but that was after a quite disturbed night. so our usual routine is like this
WU 5am
nap around 10/10.30 - 12.30/1pm, sometimes she wakes in between the nap but can be easily resettled
BT 6.30, asleep by 7pm.
I know this is a very long day on one nap only and probably contributes to the EW.
she goes to daycare 3 days per week and they can't really putter down for 2 naps there, however this weekend when she woke particularly early at 4am I was able to fit in a second nap and she had something like this
wu 4am
nap 1 9am-11.20
nap 2 3.40-4.10
BT 6.30, asleep by 7pm
I woke her from both naps so she doesn't compensate for short nights.
so even when I do 2 naps we still get these nasty early wakings. in the past I was able to resettle her after lets say 1.5hrs of being awake but these days it doesn't work. she just refuses to go back down.
she settles herself completely independently for BT and naps. so its not a sleep training issue.
any ideas what else I can do? I really need her to sleep longer in the morning. Im half thinking of shifting her whole day to BT at 8pm so she sleeps at least till 6am. this could obviously go very wrong too and she could potentially still be up at 4am...

any insight would be very much appreciated ladies!!