Author Topic: 14wo frequent nw and waking early  (Read 1352 times)

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Offline sunny90

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14wo frequent nw and waking early
« on: May 08, 2016, 09:36:27 am »
My 14 wo has been giving me between 6-8 straight hours at night since he was a few weeks old, without a DF (like I'd feed him at 7 and he'd wake up between 2-4 and then between 5-6). Lately his NWs got earlier and earlier and now he's having 3 wakings a night, around midnight-1 plus the other 2. Could it be a growth spurt? I thought about starting a DF now, would it be too late? I keep hoping every night that he'll just manage to stay asleep til his old time  :-[ Also I was liking the middle night waking because I could go out and not rush back for a DF at 11. Advice please?
He also sleeps very lightly in the morning, from 5 onward, hes never slept by himself past 6 ish since he was a tiny baby, and the only way to get him to stay asleep is to stick him on the boob and keep nursing him, if I take it out, he wakes up.
If he wakes up at 6 then his schedule is off, and when I feed him at 7, he falls asleep. Do I then count the A time from 7? How can I get him to stay asleep longer?

Offline ginger428

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Re: 14wo frequent nw and waking early
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2016, 02:03:05 am »
bumping you up..

How has it been the last few nights? Did he have a growth spurt that you noticed at 3 months? It definitely could be a GS in which case, it should stop in 1-2 weeks. I would hold off on the DF until then.. since he's waking at 12 anyway.

Offline FPT23

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Re: 14wo frequent nw and waking early
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2016, 16:51:16 pm »

Agreed with ginger413!

Also, IRT his 5/6am --- majority of babies, even toddlers have light sleep around 5am and are harder to resettle. It's pretty common. Some night they sleep in and some they are up and when they are, that time is very hard to get them to stay down after being "well rested" with the night. What I do is I get him in the swing to try to extend the morning sleep--- my LO is 12 weeks. Not every night do I need it either :)

Hope that helps