My 14 wo has been giving me between 6-8 straight hours at night since he was a few weeks old, without a DF (like I'd feed him at 7 and he'd wake up between 2-4 and then between 5-6). Lately his NWs got earlier and earlier and now he's having 3 wakings a night, around midnight-1 plus the other 2. Could it be a growth spurt? I thought about starting a DF now, would it be too late? I keep hoping every night that he'll just manage to stay asleep til his old time

Also I was liking the middle night waking because I could go out and not rush back for a DF at 11. Advice please?
He also sleeps very lightly in the morning, from 5 onward, hes never slept by himself past 6 ish since he was a tiny baby, and the only way to get him to stay asleep is to stick him on the boob and keep nursing him, if I take it out, he wakes up.
If he wakes up at 6 then his schedule is off, and when I feed him at 7, he falls asleep. Do I then count the A time from 7? How can I get him to stay asleep longer?