My daughter is 2 and 10 months and for the last couple of weeks she takes 1-1.5 hours to fall asleep.
this hasn't been an issue in the past.
once we got her on EASY (at 3 months) we were on a good path. we've had our ups and downs but mostly, she went to sleep very well.
we do the usual bedtime routine (supper at ~6 PM, 6:40 PM- brush teeth then bath and PJs. in bed by ~7:15, read a book and kiss good night).
Once we weened her of the pacifier (almost 3 months ago ) she had a bit of a harder time falling asleep and needed more comfort and hugs but that straightened out after some time.
We keep a usual schedule and only once in a while does she stay up very late (weekends or holidays).
She still naps during the day (~1.5 hours in daycare) and I am afraid this may be the issue... but that is the schedule at day care.
Some times on weekends she refuses to nap and she goes through the day just fine.
when she is in bed she calls us several times for different reasons and she sings and talks to herself. I am happy she occupies herself but this can go on for an hour...
When there was no issue she would sleep 10-10.5 h a night. now it's more like 9.5 h per night.
not sure what to do since even when she goes to sleep latter then regular bedtime, this still happens.
any suggestions?