Author Topic: almost 3 and taking over an hout to fall asleep  (Read 1031 times)

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Offline tamlev

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almost 3 and taking over an hout to fall asleep
« on: May 25, 2016, 18:18:52 pm »

My daughter is 2 and 10 months and for the last couple of weeks she takes 1-1.5 hours to fall asleep.
this hasn't been an issue in the past.
once we got her on EASY (at 3 months) we were on a good path. we've had our ups and downs but mostly, she went to sleep very well.
we do the usual bedtime routine (supper at ~6 PM, 6:40 PM- brush teeth then bath and PJs. in bed by ~7:15, read a book and kiss good night).
Once we weened her of the pacifier (almost 3 months ago ) she had a bit of a harder time falling asleep and needed more comfort and hugs but that straightened out after some time.
We keep a usual schedule and only once in a while does she stay up very late (weekends or holidays).
She still naps during the day (~1.5 hours in daycare) and I am afraid this may be the issue... but that is the schedule at day care.
Some times on weekends she refuses to nap and she goes through the day just fine.
when she is in bed she calls us several times for different reasons and she sings and talks to herself. I am happy she occupies herself but this can go on for an hour...

When there was no issue she would sleep 10-10.5 h a night. now it's more like 9.5 h per night.
not sure what to do since even when she goes to sleep latter then regular bedtime, this still happens.

any suggestions?

Offline trimbler

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Re: almost 3 and taking over an hout to fall asleep
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2016, 19:19:17 pm »
Hi there, sorry this may not be much help to you at all but I really think the nap is probably to blame :-\ Have you spoken to the nursery about waking her a bit earlier? Do all the children her age sleep for 1.5h? If I were in control, I'd probably try waking her just 15mins early from her nap and take it from there...

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Re: almost 3 and taking over an hout to fall asleep
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2016, 20:56:03 pm »
That sounds like my DD! She has totally dropped the nap by 2.5 because she couldn't do a decent night and a nap - and her temperament was better for a decent night. We found that even if she had a 10 min catnap that sleep time was then as late as 10pm :o

I would definitely be talking to daycare about cutting the nap. She may still need some nap on daycare days as it is more tiring for them but ultimately she may be at the no nap point.


Offline Shiv52

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Re: almost 3 and taking over an hout to fall asleep
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2016, 21:22:19 pm »
Agree with the ladies. The nap likely needs cut way back or else dropped altogether.

If that is not possible then I think you need to do a later bedtime to accommodate the nap.

What is wake up and nap time?

Offline tamlev

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Re: almost 3 and taking over an hout to fall asleep
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2016, 03:45:42 am »
Thanks all...
Bedtime is at ~7:30 nap time at daycare is at 1 PM (they take about 20 min. To fall asleep).
I will check with daycare to see if they can try waking her a bit warly but i am afraid they will not like that. The age group is 2-3 years old and we all know that nap time is also good time for the staff to clean up and rest for a bit themselves...
All daycares end in august so starting september she will start a new daycare and they will not have naps for children that don't need it.
One more thing that might be related,  we used to wake her at 6:10 every morning. For the last month and the next few months my husband is working from home so we let her sleep and she wakes 7-7:30. Overall at night she still gets less sleep then in the past. Do you think this is connected?


Offline lily_layne

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Re: almost 3 and taking over an hout to fall asleep
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2016, 02:39:56 am »
I think the later WU could definitely affect when she's ready to sleep.

My opinion is a bit different but my DD has always taken a long time to fall asleep so I,m used to not worrying about it :) I would keep the nap and just try BT a bit later if you can. If she's overall in a good mood and getting a decent amount of sleep over 24 hours, I wouldn't stress about. My DD went through a blip just before 3 where it looked like she needed to cut/drop her nap but then her nights lengthened again.
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014