Author Topic: 7 month old seems to be hungry at night...  (Read 1552 times)

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7 month old seems to be hungry at night...
« on: June 05, 2016, 10:00:16 am »
I've posted what seems like an essay on the sleep board about my lo and her lack of sleep and routine. I am going to embark on the easy plan on Tuesday, hopefully, but need to bail my plan down first.
I use nipple shields as lo never latched properly. She was going 6-7 hrs at night with one feed at 2.30/3am and then up at 06.30/7. However, since March she's been waking every 2-3 hrs and only feeding will settle her back to sleep. I know most if this is habit, but she does seem to be feeding a lot- for a good 10 mins 3 X per night, at 23:00, 2.30/3 and 05.00/0530 I can hear her swallowing. Tried dummy but she just screams..
My question is how do I make sure she's getting her feeds during daylight hrs? I don't want to do pu/pd if she's genuinly hungry. We're baby led weaning, which she seems to love, and I know she's eating from her nappies. I always offer the boob before food, and after to make sure she's getting her milk.
Any advice would e appreciated!

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Re: 7 month old seems to be hungry at night...
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2016, 10:08:45 am »
Do note that breastfeeding research has moved on significantly since the BW books were written so the feeding advice in it is quite out of date. We like to think that Tracy would have updated the feeding in line with current guidelines had she still been alive. It's perfectly normal for some LOs, especially EBF ones, to need to feed more frequently than every 3 or 4 hrs.

I also note that your DD has reflux which  really means all bets are off with regards to feeding. Refluxers need to feed little and often as the milk soothes the acid and large quantities of milk exacerbates the reflux.

What you are doing sounds good, feeding once as a main feed and then topping up with the solids meal. You'll probably be able to drop the top ups as the amount of solids increases over the next few months.

The other thing to note is that PUPD shakes up the stomach contents and excessive crying also makes it worse so PUPD really isnt a suitable sleep training method for refluxers. Shush pat or gradual withdrawal are better.

If you feel you can't keep up with the NFs you could try moving the BFs in the day away from the sleep so she isn't looking for a BF to get to sleep but it may just be what she needs right now. It won't be forever although it probably feels like it right now.

You haven't done anything wrong. Snuggling and nurturing your baby can never be wrong 😘
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011