My DS was younger when I had a similar thread. He would kick off crying and raging if I tried to take his brush off him or to use a second brush to brush his teeth (mostly gums at that age) what I found really made a difference was my own attitude. Rather than approaching it all with the attitude of "I want to care for his teeth, I need to care for his teeth, but he is shouting at me and doesn't want me to do it" I changed my attitude to "this is happening like it or not" and that changed my tone of voice and you know what I never had to pin him down it was remarkable (I'd tried cuddling and wrapping him prior to that but he still raged and actually my attitude/vibe had not changed yk?). It sounds impossible and crazy now when I describe it but next time I brushed his teeth and he tried to grab for the brush to take it off me I just said "No. This is my job. I have to do it. I'm doing it." and he just succumbed!!! Honestly the way he had been screaming and raging prior to this you just wouldn't believe he would ever "give in" without a massive fight but that's exactly what happened the moment I was deadly serious he took it deadly seriously too. Never a problem since.
I would say it is worth a shot - and at 2yo your LO has a lot more understanding of what he's being told too.
Mine also loved to be counted to when I brushed his teeth, for a long time we counted up to 20, then backwards, then in 10s, 2s, 5s etc...I'm sure his number ability comes from hearing the counting so often when teeth brushing (and taking his inhaler which we counted for too). Eventually he asked me to stop counting, not sure when but perhaps a year or more ago and just recently he wants to hear times tables during brushing - yes I still brush his teeth at 5yo and it turns out it is still a great time of day for bonding and numbers