Author Topic: So, come on, has anyone ever resolved early rising issues? Tell me tell me. . .?  (Read 948 times)

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Offline Fifilottie

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My DS has always woken at 5.30. He is 11 mo. Since 3 mo I have APed him back to sleep at this time and he has gone on until 6.30, perfect for me. Now he is sleeping through until 5.30, he will not be soothed back to sleep. I do leave him playing until 6.15 if he can bear it every morning. There are black out blinds in his room. His routine for sleep is:

WU 5.30
Morning nap 9.15 until 10
Afternoon nap 1.30 until 2.45/3. However at present he has been having mammoth 2 hour sleeps until 3.30, when I don't need to wake him for school run.
BT if he wakes before 3 from previous nap - 7 to 7.30
If he wakes at 3.30 from previous nap, - 7.30 until 8.

He always is very ready for his naps in the day. All signs clear.

So, has anybody worked out what really causes this early rising? My DD, now 6 yo, was like this until she was about 3, now she will lie in forever if she had her way. Is it really just a waiting it out situation, simple as? Or is there really something organised or planned I can do to change this? Have tried the lot, later tea, earlier/ later bedtime, everything done. Shortening naps etc. . Even when he goes to the cm twice acweek( where he will nap for 30 mins in one day if lucky), it makes no difference. So what next? Experiences and advice welcome x

NB he self settles for bed from quite awake. I put him down very drowsy but awake for naps.

Offline jessmum46

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It can be lots of different things really.....and yes I've been through it with both of mine at various points and neither do it now so it does get better eventually!  That's not to say there aren't things you can do to help though.  I assume you've dealt with all the obvious - light/noise/cold/not giving milk at 5.30 to keep encouraging a wake at that time?

The only thing I notice about your day is that it is really really long, I know that it's the 5.30am start that makes that happen but the long day causes a short night, perpetuating OT and early starts.  I would be tempted to push out and cap your morning nap further to 9.30-10, and then bring your afternoon nap earlier to 12.30/1, get him up by 3pm latest and in bed asleep for 7pm. 

What do you think?

Offline Fifilottie

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That is the one thing I haven't tried but I think it would be a good idea jess, thank you. Especially as he is tending to take really long afternoon naps now and I often have to wake him for school run so an earlier AN will work out well with my schedule etc. . Until it sorts itself out should I put him down for BT between 6.30 to shorten the day, say if he wakes at around 2.30 to 3 from AN ? And then bring it later once(oh please please) he wakes a little later in the morning.  I never even thought about how long his day is. You may have nailed something there. I will give it a go. He will be dropping to one nap soon anyway. So that will push it in the right direction somehow. X

Ps I never give him his milk until 6.30 in a vague attempt to sort it out  ha , not worked yet :)

Offline Fifilottie

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Sorry, you have answered my question about BT already. I had read that but went off to do something mid writing. Thank you again. Will come back to say if it works, in case it helps anyone else in a my situation x x

Offline jessmum46

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Fingers crossed for you!  Stick at it for a good week or so and then you can see if anything else needs changing x