I did TED and eventually a modified version, but I started with potato, rice, lettuce, avocado, with seasoning. I added zucchini, corn, pork, the following weeks, then pears. Then chicken, sweet potato somewhere along there. Eventually added more fruits (one by one), and then more veggies. I got desperate between adding food so I wasn't truly strict... instead of waiting the usual 3-4 days between food, I waited maybe 2. DS's gas and colic got better, but it also could've been the medicine and just time.
TBH, it was miserable and I cried so much during it... along with struggling with the newborn stage and little support, it was a really low point. But, we got through it and DS did great with solids.
Holding your hand if needed!
Oh, the apples and sunflower butter I would hold and add those one at a time. But it's up to you! I went backwards many times.