OK so to put things in context, what I am talking about relates mostly to the section of BW Solves All Your Problems book... specifically from pages 195-200 - Variable #4 - Hunger.
I have posted previously across this forum before I rediscovered the above section in the book. I am ABSOLUTELY convinced my 13 week old LO is waking in the night from HABIT (edited). Why am I convinced? The problem is that my 13 week old was previously only waking in the night for one feed, now wakes for three (sometimes four if you count an early breakfast waking). This started around 4-6 weeks ago. I have asked about this here and on a Facebook group I belong to, to be told that it sounds normal for his age and its a phase that will pass. People keep suggesting growth spurts. This is the longest growth spurt of all time! Anyway once I rediscovered the pages in my book that I had somehow missed, the questions covered off (and answered by me below), really spoke to me.
The questions asked by Tracy:
How often is he feeding during the day? Every 3 hours
What time does he wake up after his last evening feed? Usually around 11 pm (now)... it was around 3 am when he was like 7 weeks old. We have curbed this 11 pm wake up for a 10 pm dream feed so we are in control, but he is often awake for this
What does he sound and look like when he's crying? Sometimes a hunger sound, but mostly just an annoyed sound
Does he wake at different times every night? No... he is now in a pattern of say 1.30/2am and then again st 5/5.30 am. So including the dream feed is now waking every 3-4 hours in the night, when previously (and was much younger) had his first wake-up, without a dream feed, at 3 am.
Is he steadily gaining weight? Like a hulking out hulk thing.
Growth spurt - I am convinced he went through a growth spurt at around 7-8 weeks and then after the spurt was finished, these wakings became habit wakes/feeds.
Has he ever slept a 5-6 hour stretch at night? YES!!! This was the key question asked in the book that I can emphatically say yes to, and Tracy's response was that is a sleep problem that is actually a food problem.
So the plan in the book is to try to get more into him during the day. (And I'm getting to my question now):
BUT HOW? He has a large bottle 180ml/6oz, which he mostly drinks til about 20ml left. Sometimes he completely finishes, other times he may leave more. I've tried as the book suggests, to make up larger bottles and offer them, to no avail. I have also tried offering less in the night in the hope that we will get to a point where somehow (magically, I'm guessing, haha) he will twig onto the fact that he isn't going to get much and it isn't worth waking up for. Not sure how a 3 month old baby will figure that one out yet, but it was something google offered me
Using a pacifier was the other option. He just isn't keen. I've tried different brands/shapes, he just doesn't seem to be a pacifier baby. He wasn't at birth, he isn't now. I've tried Tracy's methods to get him into it. And he is frankly getting to the age where she suggests weaning it anyway (!) What I have done is started swaddling one arm out as he definitely sucks his hand for comfort, but that hasn't prevented night waking.
any ideas?
I have time this week as my husband and 2 year old are both away so I feel like if I try resettling him with PU/PD or similar then it isn't going to wake up the whole house, and I will have some time to nap etc during the day without a toddler to look after if I need to catch up on sleep.
For completeness, EASY is looking something like this:
6.30am WU
7.15 am E
7.45 am S
9.30 am WU
10 am E
11.15 am S
1 pm E
2.15/30 pm S
4 pm E
5 pm catnap
6.30 pm final bottle, bath, bedtime etc
10 pm dreamfeed
1/1.30 am E
4.30/5.30 am E
Edit: Sorry for the novel. Hubby was like "what are you writing in there?!?! A book?!"