DD is nearly 19mo. she is adorable during the day, but bed time... She was never a great sleeper, hates lying down with a passion, hardly ever slept more than 12h in 24 hours since she was 1 month old, we switched to one nap at 11 months. We have worked really really hard on sleep since she was 3 months old and we are getting nowhere. Well, not quite true, she was kind of self settling, we were able to leave her room before she was completely asleep a few months ago.
And then, apocalypse... first molars, a 2 week cold and 18 mo SR was terrible, (i didn't know about 18m SR), 1.5hours to get her to sleep without being able to MOVE before she was asleep without starting a round a screaming, and nights of 4 or 5 NW. And it's not like i'd be going very far, we live in a tiny flat, her bedroom is next to the living room, so her bed is about 1.5 metres away from the sofa were we sit in the evening. But no, I cannot be anywhere but by her cot.
The mere mention of Bedtime sets her off, and she still needs me to stay nearly one hour with her before she falls asleep. Anyway, at least she has been STTN (bar one short wake up per night for toilet break) for nearly 2 weeks now, which is a treat after 1.5 year of sleep deprivation, and her early wakings of 5.30 are now more like 6 or 6.30. Bliss.
More to the point, she seems to HATE routine, because she knows it means it's Bed Time. Anyone else has experience that? I feel i'd be better of changing things every night, like she gets annoyed if it's the same story or song (feeling like i'm actually answering my own question here, i just need to vary stories and songs). However, it takes forever, and how can i help her self settling for bedtime again. She never seems tired, and run around pointlessly in her cot.
Getting a bit desperate, thanks
6.30 WU
7.00 Breastfeed
8.00 Breakfast
10.00 Play group + Snack
11.30 Lunch
12.45 Nap (1 to 2 hours)
15.00 Snack
17.30 Dinner
8.00 BT