Hello and welcome to BW forums
It sounds like you have done brilliantly so far
I can understand your feeling about the crying in the evening, it is very hard and upsetting to see and hear LO cry so hard. I would agree you could look at her overall routine to see if you can alter the way this goes each evening. Whilst it is unpleasant for all of you to experience this crying I would like to reassure you that being held by Daddy in a baby carrier is not CIO. Yes it is horrible to think of our LOs crying so hard but in a carrier she knows she is with a parent and not abandoned, the crying might be loud but the cortisol (stress hormone) level is likely extremely low rather than a baby who is left to cry alone who is likely to have high stress due to not knowing if Mummy or Daddy are ever coming back, it is the high stress (rather than the crying itself) which is harmful.
Here are the guidance A times (activity, the time LO is awake) for ages:
Average A times- BOOKMARK ME! You already have her on a pretty good A time but you might find that adding another 15 minutes or so to her A time could help to extend nap 3 so that she is better rested before that last A time before her BT (bed time). For nap 4 or BT you might find she needs 2hrs or maybe even a bit more before she is ready for her night sleep. Some LOs like to have an extra long last A time (some extra short!) so if you are seeing resistance at that time you could go a bit over the guidance A time.
The yawn you see 5 mins after her nap 3 CN (cat nap) could be that she is well rested rather than that she is tired - confusing I know! you can increase the A time before nap 3 to see if nap 3 can become longer. Also try not to reduce the last A time before nap 4/BT but go for a full A time or a bit longer. At this age she is starting to tell you what she wants and is ready for. Sounds like she is not quite ready for bed but it is ever so easy to think she is already overtired.
Your routine in the evening might look like this:
5.30 - 7pm nap 3
A 2hr
BT 9pm (this gives a 12 hr night)
if she does not extend nap 3 yet you may still need another cat nap so it might look like:
A 1hr 50 to 2hr
S 5.30 - 6.15 nap 3
A 1hr 45
S 7.00 - 7.45 nap 4
A 2hr
BT 9.45 (this looks late but she still gets over 11hr night sleep, this BT will move earlier when her routine changes and a nap is dropped or 2 cat naps become one longer nap)
I think if you try for BT too early this may cause some crying.
If you look at the guidance A time you will see they increase quite a lot between now and 6 months going up from under 2hrs to 3hrs or even more. This is a time when many of us alter the routine a bit too slowly and LOs are trying to tell us they are able to stay awake and enjoy spending time with you for a bit longer before they sleep.
I hope this helps.
By the way, your English is excellent