Hi there,
I think this is very common for the 2nd birthday. It's a mix of renewed SA and also testing boundaries. We went through/are going through the same thing and it's such a fine balance to meet their needs but establish limits. Unfortunately and expectedly, ime, the longer we support DS the more difficult it becomes to remove the support. Usually 1-2 days is ok for us, but any more or more times than that a week and we have to gently sleep train. During SA, we go in as often as needed but reduce the amount. I know it is so tough but after you and DH feel remotely rested enough (maybe alternate nights for attending to her), I recommend removing the mattress and revert to going in and reassuring with your voice and sleepy phrase (stay longer if needed but wait longer in between speaking, and/reduce volume). I recommend doing this instead of patting at this stage because she seems to respond well to your presence but we want to make it easy for you to leave. Start leaving the room earlier and earlier as she settles down with just the voice. It might upset her, but it should work after a few days, especially after the SA phase ends. We can revisit if it doesn't. Another thought, with my lo, I would do the above but then say 'oh mommy has to go to the potty. I'll be back' and wait to see if he falls asleep. Itms worked maybe half the time. I use other excuses too like, i have to go downstairs and close the door. And sometimes I just say i'll be back if you need me and really nonchalantly and without fuss, leave the room.
Some questions for you,
How does she go down for bedtime? I.e. Song, story, put down awake, turn off lights.When is her NW? Has she always needed a long A time in the morning?
Hugs and Hang in there!