Hello all...please, please help me..
My beautiful boy who is 27 months old at this point, just refuses to nap. He was a lovely napper...would sleep 2-2.5 hrs midday and then as of one month ago...just began refusing naps.
I thought it could be molars or development since he really has been picking up so many new words since his 2nd birthday...but could it be that his naps are truly gone? He still seems tired and has slight circles under his eyes. Definitely becomes more easily frustrated by dinner time, whereas his disposition is normally pretty even keeled.
Our current schedule when he doesn't nap:
6-6:30am wake up
10:30 snack
12 -lunch
12:30-1:30/2pm REST time...which he fights...
3pm - snack
5pm - dinner and start bedtime routine
6/6:15pm - in crib and he usually is asleep by 6:30pm.
He's roughly getting 11-12 hrs of sleep, mostly in one big chunk. He has had occasional wakeups due to gas or poopy diaper, but it's rare.
Back in July, when he was napping his schedule was:
5:30-6:30am wake up (huge range, i know, but I tried to not get him out of the crib until closer to 6:30am)
10:30 snack
12 -lunch
12:30-2:30/3pm NAP
3pm - snack
6pm - dinner and start bedtime routine
7:15pm - in crib but he was starting to take longer and longer to actually fall asleep...like he wouldn't be sleeping until 8:30 or 9pm.
When I look back..I guess he was getting roughly 11-12 hrs in a day on average. Sometimes it would be closer to 10 hrs or 13 hrs depending on how well he slept.
On a selfish note, I miss his midday nap because it gave me a break and allowed me to rest as well if I need to (I'm in early stage of pregnancy). I still try to put him in his crib for "rest" but I've been keeping the lights off.
If I need to accept the nap as gone, maybe I would modify this routine by putting on a dim light for his quiet time..and giving him books to look at.
I just feel like he's too young to drop his one nap...and that he needs more than 11-12 hrs of sleep...but maybe he's getting what he needs?
So frustrating...