Author Topic: Separation anxiety + toddler bed and lost my great sleeper!  (Read 2614 times)

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Re: Separation anxiety + toddler bed and lost my great sleeper!
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2016, 19:02:46 pm »
Hi hope the vacation was good?

Personally I don't get on with wi/wo my DS1 used to go bananas so I stool with GW. Maybe you could talk to her at bedtime and say mummy will sit in the doorway if you stay in bed and sit so she can see your arm or part of your body!? I used to sit with my legs poking in the doorway.

After a while I progressed to outside the door then the top step of stairs, then saying I'm just going to the toilet and go then go back to top step so he could see me if he got up. Eventually to being at the bottom of the stairs allegedly folding washing  ;) so I could just shout up to reassure if need be.

How good is she with understanding you communication wise?

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Re: Separation anxiety + toddler bed and lost my great sleeper!
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2016, 03:39:23 am »
The vacation was actually very nice. Thanks for asking.  :)

She is quite good at understanding me and speaks very very well for her age. She is very strong willed and when things aren't as she likes them she will let you know.

Tonight I had a "serious" chat in the evening about how Mommy is going to sit back across the room on the spare bed as I had done before and how daddy does. She definitely understood and cried hard when I did so. Then she absolutely clung to me and said she needs me to hold her. She kept saying she wanted me to lie on the floor with her.

I said mommy will help you and then I will go outside the door and be right back if you can't follow these directions. Sure enough she ran full speed behind me as I tried to exit and went bezerk when I left. I talked to her through the door and came back and the same thing continued. Eventually DH bailed me out after an hour of me trying to sit in the room with her yelling at me to lay down and her saying she hates her bed. She also would sit on my lap and say I needed to hold her.  :-[

I agree the WI/wo gets them crazy, but I don't know what else to resort to as I literally cannot even start GW as she is so stirred up with me in the room and not doing what she wants. Perhaps I am not handling it correctly as I am not sure what to do when she lays on my lap or screams and cries to sit in a certain spot. Ignoring her seems to make her so crazy and also seems confusing as Mommy won't help. So far I have tried to remind her over and over Mommy is not going to do anything but sit and then only way to stop it and try again is to leave for a brief minute. I was hoping she would know I mean business if I exit (I still talk to her thru the door and don't leave her to cry hysterically). Are there certain tactics to handle such behavior when in the room doing GW?

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Separation anxiety + toddler bed and lost my great sleeper!
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2016, 06:26:48 am »
Could you lay next to cot and then in a couple of days move further away? It's so hard I remember literally getting a numb bum from sitting in the place for so long.

If she gets worked up is prob give her a little cuddle then out back in bed and say sleepy times now or your phrase, mummy is here but it's time to sleep.

Offline Mamae

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Re: Separation anxiety + toddler bed and lost my great sleeper!
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2016, 16:10:44 pm »
Thank you for the advice. I will try starting closer tonight and see what happens. My biggest problem is literally putting her back in the bed as she won't physically do it and just jumps out and clings immediately if I can actually get her to let go! I guess I will just keep trying to put her in over and over. It's like a little clinging monkey that cries. Poor thing. I know this is hard for her and I am so trying not to get frustrated but just don't know how to help her best.

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Separation anxiety + toddler bed and lost my great sleeper!
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2016, 17:29:57 pm »
Maybe put her in then hold her hand for a couple of days x