Author Topic: 2.5 years old only sleeps if I stay in the room  (Read 854 times)

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Offline Momof2yearold

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2.5 years old only sleeps if I stay in the room
« on: September 15, 2016, 07:28:35 am »
Over the last few weeks my son has adjusted to only falling asleep while I'm standing in the room. I don't lay with him, or talk to him- just stand there quietly.  And when he is asleep I sneak out.  I would do this initially one to two times a night.  However the last few nights my son seems to be waking every hour crying and asking that I "watch him" while he sleeps. I think I have somehow created a monster.  How do I break this habit? I've found that WI/WO only seems to infuriate him. And his tantrums can last hours when I have tried in the past- which is what lead me to stand with him while he went to sleep in the first place.  Any advice is greatly appreciated

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 2.5 years old only sleeps if I stay in the room
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2016, 20:04:03 pm »
Hi there I think you need to start moving towards getting out the room using GW, you have most likely become his prop and when he wakes he wonders where you have gone.

You've not created a monster Hun, it's just a habit he's got into and needs breaking. Also at 2.5 could be having a developmental leap.

Why don't you try sitting near the door, then after a few nights go outside the door!?