Author Topic: late afternoon second nap for 10.5 mo...  (Read 1564 times)

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Offline marjorie_kate

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late afternoon second nap for 10.5 mo...
« on: September 18, 2016, 23:14:23 pm »
Hi Everyone- I'm a bit lost with my DD's nap schedule and thought you could help.  She's typically taking her first nap after 3.5 hours A time in the morning, then again after 3.5 hours.  The thing is that we are creeping closer and closer to dinnertime and bedtime in the last two weeks.  It depends on how long she sleeps in the am.  She used to always be just an hour napper, but she's been more often sleeping 1.5 or more which then puts us at a 2nd nap starting between 330 and 400pm!  I can't imagine she's ready for the 2-1 nap transition, but I'm a first time mom and don't really know how to tweak this.  What is happening is that I'm pushing back bedtime because she's only been up for 2 hours and she's not acting tired at our normal 700 BF before bed.
Any help would be appreciated.... she's still napping now at 515pm!  I'm going to wake her up or we'll have an 800pm BT tonight!

Her EASY as of today was:

755WU and BF
830 breakfast
1130 sleep
1245 woke up, BF
130 lunch
350 sleep
515 I woke her up...
anticipate dinner at 545
730 bedtime if she's tired... might push it to 800 again.

HELP! =)

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: late afternoon second nap for 10.5 mo...
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2016, 02:00:24 am »
You are definitely approaching the 2-1! My DD is 9 months and we typically have 1 longer nap and 1 short nap.  So if her 2nd nap isn't happening until 3:30ish I would cap it to 30mins and then do a normal 7pm BT (if that is what works for you), otherwise like you said, BT will keep getting pushed out later.  I think also because you get such a good/late WU it is kind of pushing you more towards the 2-1, if she woke at 6am bright and cheery like my DD you might be better able to fit 2 naps in, but I doubt anyone wants to give up that WU lol

Offline marjorie_kate

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Re: late afternoon second nap for 10.5 mo...
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2016, 01:58:50 am »
Lindsay27-  If only her WU was almost 800 every day!  She's more like a 630-700 WU girl for the last few weeks.  I had quite a while where she was a 6am WU so I feel your pain!  I will start capping that last nap.  Today she didn't go down until 400, finally alseep at 420 and then woke up at 515 so we pushed BT to 730 and she was still pretty awake and her eyes are still open now that it's almost 800pm! 
I can't imagine getting through the day on one nap right now unless that nap consolidates to a much longer one!  I'd have a hot mess on my hands at the end of the day and she already gets more needy as dinnertime approaches!
Does this transition also go along with dropping a mid day BF?  I'm not sure what to do with that situation either as today I fed her after nap (which has been our established EASY routine) at 515 and then didn't have much at 730 for BT.  That would be why she's up too, but she's not fussing.... ahh things change so quickly!  Any advice on the mid day feed would be appreciated.  It seems most natural to drop that late afternoon feed and just give her dinner sooner instead, but I don't want her dropping calories that she needs yet as I'm not really ready to wean unless she directs it. Thanks!

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: late afternoon second nap for 10.5 mo...
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2016, 00:19:19 am »
oday she didn't go down until 400, finally alseep at 420 and then woke up at 515 so we pushed BT to 730 and she was still pretty awake and her eyes are still open now that it's almost 800pm! 
She was definitely UT at BT given it had only been a little over 2hrs since her last nap.

This is a great link about the 2-1, you might find that reversing the order of your naps may be better, I had to do this with my DS.  So we did a short (30-45min) capped nap in the morning, and then a long nap in the afternoon.  So with a 7am WU it would look like:

WU 7
Nap 10-10:30
Nap 1/1:30-3/3:30
BT 7

From 2 to 1 nap transition (10-12m and older)

I am no expert on BF, however at 8 months my DD dropped to 3 daily bottles that I give at 7am, 2pm, and 7pm each of 7oz.  How many feeds during the day are you currently doing?  I'd probably opt to feed before PM nap to so that there is a big enough gap that she takes a good BT feed.