Hi all, I'm needing some help with my 22 month old daughter. A month ago we moved to my mums while our kitchen gets renovated. Before this she would go to sleep in her cot for a day sleep (for about one hour) and her night sleep.
We have gotten into the habit of sitting in the room with her at mums and now she cannot go to sleep by herself. And now for the last week she absolutely screams when put down for her day sleep. I'm talking screaming, trying to climb out of the cot and making herself throw up for over an hour until I get her up. It's very upsetting.
She wakes about 6.45 for the day and I start her day sleep at 12.30, she screams until 1.30 then I get her up. As its too late for a sleep then. I start her night routine at 7.30 and am lucky if she's asleep by 8"
She used to go straight to sleep, I really don't know what to do, please help