I would imagine that you would get a gut feeling for how much help was enough and when to back off again. He might not need you to stay in there until he falls asleep, but just a minute or two or even ten (if he is calming and still awake) and then say your key phrase and go. I suppose the way I approach it with mine is that I'd rather he stayed calm and sleepy rather than me leaving and him getting worked up which makes it harder to go to sleep. That early morning WU is a hard time to fall back to sleep anyway (and EBT might help avoid the waking in the first place).
If you do end up in there for say ten mins for several days or a week I would probably start to reduce it, yk, 5 mins and key phrase then WO - you know how it goes, if he needs you you go back and do over but perhaps judge the mood and then try WIWO rather than sitting. I would not continue sitting in there more than a week or two personally.
An example with my DS, always gets some SA around his birthday, every year. Turning 5yo he started the call backs after BT so I would go back up, cuddle/kiss, leave, call back etc. Once I realised I was up and down (he was missing sleep and I was getting firm thighs from the stairs) I extended the BT routine and just told him I was staying longer, instead of one song and a cuddle I stayed more like 2 or 3 songs, stroked his head until he gave me a thumbs up that he was ready for me to leave, then I said "ok night night have a nice sleep" and left. No more call backs (so maybe 10 mins rather than 30-60 mins). After a couple of weeks he still wanted me to do this BUT in my gut I knew he was getting over the birthday developmental leap and phase of SA and that really he didn't "need" me any more so I suggested we went back to our regular routine and he was fine. I think this is the thing, we just need to stay aware and not get ourselves into too much of a habit because that becomes the habit for the LO, yk? If we keep asking ourselves and reassessing then I think we can spot the time when we really should make that move to back off and not be scared of it, which really is where those AP habits come from, our own fears of not wanting baby/toddler to get up shouting/crying again.
hope that helps