Author Topic: 13 mo night wakings  (Read 1325 times)

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Offline Lasm2016

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13 mo night wakings
« on: October 02, 2016, 22:30:21 pm »
My daughter has slept through the night from a very young age (6 or 8 weeks or something like that) despite being not that good at day napping!

I've always had issues with day napping but now in the last two weeks we've been getting crying in sleep a lot and wakening in the night. Sometimes we just leave her as she's chatting to herself and sometimes we go to her. Best case she falls asleep again after 5-10mins on her own, worst case she's awake for 2 hours.  Really struggling to figure out what is causing it.

She's now 13 months and has been at nursery for just over a month. She's there 4 days a week and unsurprisingly napping isn't great there. Most days she will only do two 30-40minure naps. On a bad day she will do one nap of anywhere up to 30mins. Very rarely she will have a good day and do a 1-1.5hr nap. When she's at home with me on a Friday or weekend she's still consistently doing a 1-1.5hr morning nap and sometime short 30 min nap in afternoon. She's also had a bug, seems to constantly be teething and might have an intolerance to cows milk (we've been on soya for almost two weeks)

So basically I'm unsure whether the night waking is simply because she's had a lot going on (nursery, ill etc) and I just need to ride it out and find a way to cope with the tiredness! Or whether this is some sort of transition and I need to change something?

Help appreciated as always! Thanks
« Last Edit: October 03, 2016, 20:04:56 pm by Scottishmummy »

Offline Lasm2016

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Re: 13 mo night wakings
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2016, 21:38:09 pm »
I should also add that she is waking up at the same time every night.  I don't know id thats a sign of something?

First time is between 10-1030 and is usually only for 5-10 mins (so she is awake while I write now - whimpering and thrusting about, trying to stand on her head) although tonight it seems to be going on a bit longer than usual so I might have to go to her in a second.  I hope its not another 2 hour job!!

The second time is usually between 3 and 4am and normally is just a couple of minutes, sometimes I think she is actually still asleep.

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: 13 mo night wakings
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2016, 18:24:11 pm »

It does sound like she might be getting OT from nursery..but if NWs have become brief then it might just be a case of trying EBT when possible, longer catch up nap on non-nursery days (if she will take a longer nap at home) and riding it out until she gets used to new routines.  The same times might be that she has sleep cycle  transitions around those times.  If my DS is going to wake at night it is nearly always around 10ish and always has been. Not sure what happens at that time but assume it's sleep cycle related.

Other possibility for NW could be teething..any sign of the 1yo molars emerging?
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline Lasm2016

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Re: 13 mo night wakings
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2016, 19:07:50 pm »
Hi thank you, yes teething is definitely happening.  not sure if its molars but she has a very very sore bum (she's never suffered from nappy rash before) so i think a bit of that is at play.

Im struggling to get her to bed much earlier than 6.30 because of finishing work but the one thing I have done the last couple of days is let her sleep in until 7.30 (we were always getting her up at 7am just out of routine) so she gets an extra half hour (so 12.5hrs to 13hrs nighttime sleeping) and that has helped with the NTW.  there is still the 10ish one but the 3-4pm one hasn't happened the last two nights and that might be because I've let her sleep longer in the morning?  sometime she doesn't sleep that long in the morning but i think the darker mornings are helping.  never thought id look forward to dark nights / mornings so much!  ;D


Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: 13 mo night wakings
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2016, 19:54:24 pm »
Pleased things seem to be improving a bit with her catching up on some sleep in the mornings ... Hopefully she'll settle even more when her teeth have come in.
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD