Author Topic: 13 weeks - Paci problems  (Read 1519 times)

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Offline Vally

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13 weeks - Paci problems
« on: November 20, 2016, 09:58:30 am »
DS is a happy boy but nights are such a problem. He goes to bed at 630pm and mostly wakes between 12 and 3am and alwAys very happy tutu one night feed. He is starting to wake sometimes at 11pm and if I put Paci in he will go back to sleep often until 2am. I will then feed him at 2am and then from 3am onwards seems to wake every hour needing the Paci. Either that or it's wind? Do I need to get rid of Paci? I'm worried to do this as he loves it and a screaming baby all night is going to wake everyone including other children please help

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Re: 13 weeks - Paci problems
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2016, 16:58:10 pm »
Hello :)

Very sorry about the rough nights :(
I know myself how frustrating and hard it can be. Even more so with other children around. Hang in there mama, your doing the best you can :) HUGS.

As far as the paci is concerned, that is a decision that is ultimately up to you, truthfully. I cannot really tell you yes get rid of it or no keep it, kwim? I can simply offer a few suggestions and advice. I would like to mention that around this time, habits do begin. Another words, babies begin to make sleep associations. For example, a baby will now begin to depend on rocking to sleep, or pacis as you mention, etc. I guess the paci is just how much you would like to deal with. Many love the paci and it is a great soother and I know it has reduced the risk of SIDS as well. Some moms don't mind popping in the paci until they reach that age to do it themselves independently which I thiiiink is around 8-9 months? So I've heard.

I do have my own personal experience w the paci now w DS2. Around the same age as your LO, it seemed to become a bit of a prop (as you mentioned too) particularly for nap times. However at this age, naps are wonky anyway--- but I lost my personal patience haha, with it around 4 months when babies hit that dreaded regression. He was swaddled and I had begun the process of slowly removing the swaddle as he had begun to roll. Buuuuuuuut, after I was half way done.. legs were out; I had to start w arms. He was just taking out that paci non stop and he was not sleeping. I realized the paci had become a prop as well. I removed it at 4 mths.. I know I've read around that if you want to remove the paci it's easiest before 6 months since around that time they create a personal attachment to their paci. We removed the paci and he simply found a new way to sleep. If you decide to remove it, sure it might be a rough few days/nights here and there but not long. He will find a new way to fall asleep eventually right ;) ...again te choice is up to you mom :)

I would like to mention that NWs sort of begin around this time too. I know I've seen many moms (myself included- I still remember) that we're having 1 NW or none, suddenly turn into 2. One around midnight 1am when before they would sleep through until 2-3am. I think a lot of it is developmental as ours just suddenly dropped. I do what you to also remember there is a growth spurt around this time. I BF so when I went through this I simply just treated it as a NF and around 4 months or so it went away on its own as his daytime hours increased

Now, if he is waking every hour that usually tends to mean some kind of discomfort too- so it is something you may want to consider. Help soothe in someway with gas drops etc.

Hope this helps! :)


Offline Vally

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Re: 13 weeks - Paci problems
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2016, 20:31:10 pm »
Thank you so much your post makes perfect sense. I would like really like to take it away and I guess if I'm going to do it I need to do it soon!! He loves it so much so it's going to be hard. I really hoped he would suck his thumb like my other two as it has always helps them sleep but he's not showing any sign, probably because of the Paci. I shall keep you posted if I pluck up the strength to remove it!!

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Re: 13 weeks - Paci problems
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2016, 03:59:47 am »
Your welcome! Paci is often given a bad reputation when in fact they can be wonderful tools. So don't feel you have to do it NOW either, yk?

Here is a link in which you can review and use gentle tips in removing/weaning the paci. It shouldn't take long since he is still very little but it will still be a new change, so expect some trouble- but consistency is key! Here is the link so you can read it over :) ...

Gentle Removal Plan

(Start with "RachelC" post under the first one. It's a great read!)

All I suggest is be very patient and gentle. What I did was hold instead and our own method of "shh/pat" and once the paci was out of the way I worked with "shh/pat" slowly from the crib to slowly convert him from arms to crib.

Many hugs and best of luck!

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Re: 13 weeks - Paci problems
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2016, 06:00:31 am »
Please you help shed some light. Things are just bad at night and I am not 100%sure that it is the Paci and I'm not ready to wean it yet. He definitely is feeding more as in taking more ozs during the day so still happy to feed every 4 hours. At night he was just waking once for a feed about 3am which was amazing. The last few nights have been awful so have had in my bed. He first woke at 1130pm so fed him and he drink 5oz. He then woke every 2 hours. Surely he wouldn't be hungry after 2hours if he can go 4 hourly in the day? As I don't want to start feeding him every 2 hours at night I used the Paci but he just didn't seem to go into a deep sleep at all from 2am and felt like I was just putting the Paci in. He didn't seem in pain but just not settled. I fed him again at 530 which settled him and he's back asleep now! Please help as I really am not getting any sleep! Should I try and feed him every 3 hours in the day even though he's happy with 4??? I

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Re: 13 weeks - Paci problems
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2016, 23:24:13 pm »
Hi- sorry I've had fam over and have been out for a bit

So sorry things haven't improved. Many hugs :(

Can you please post your routine in EASY format? Maybe it is something in his day?

Honestly, it's a bit early IMO, to feed every 4 hours in the day- is he formula fed? How many bottles a day? That is something to consider. Most don't make the jump to a 4 hour routine until around the 4mth mark (4mo regression and growth spurt)

I also want to mention there are still many growth spurts in which LO might wake to eat. Now, if he's waking every 2 and this is new behavior, I would maybe suggest gas? Discomfort of some sort?

These are merely some suggestions but mom will always know best :)

Offline Vally

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Re: 13 weeks - Paci problems
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2016, 22:17:25 pm »
Thanks for your reply. I have been surprised about him doing 4 hourly in the day so soon as my other two took some time to get to 4 hours but he really is so happy and content between feeds. Friends and family comment on what a happy and easy baby he is during the day.

his day is roughly this:

Wake 630am
E 630am
A 630-8am
S 8am to 845am on school run
A 845-10ish
S 10 - 1045am
E 11am
A 11-1230pm
S 1230-230pm sometimes shorter if out or other timings don't work out
E 230pm before school run
A 230-4ish
S 330/4 for usually just 30/45 mins
A 5-630
E 630pm bed

Often wakes at 1pm and then again at 330ish but seems to have eyes closed and just needs Paci mostly every hour until 630am. When i have fed after 1st night feed he really isn't interested and just wants to suck to get back to sleep.

When I have tried feeding 3 hourly he would only take 3-4oz and I really dint get any hunger cues before 4 hours. I wander whether he just has a good 6/7 hours stature stsrt of the night he's just in light sleep the rest of the night and can't settle without Paci?? I just don't know???

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Re: 13 weeks - Paci problems
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2016, 06:30:06 am »
Hi! Sorry I missed your post! I'm sure by now he's closer to 4mths.

Usually that extra Wake is common around this time. I always treated it as a NF.

How are your nights now?

Many hugs and hope all is well xo