Very sorry about the rough nights
I know myself how frustrating and hard it can be. Even more so with other children around. Hang in there mama, your doing the best you can

As far as the paci is concerned, that is a decision that is ultimately up to you, truthfully. I cannot really tell you yes get rid of it or no keep it, kwim? I can simply offer a few suggestions and advice. I would like to mention that around this time, habits do begin. Another words, babies begin to make sleep associations. For example, a baby will now begin to depend on rocking to sleep, or pacis as you mention, etc. I guess the paci is just how much you would like to deal with. Many love the paci and it is a great soother and I know it has reduced the risk of SIDS as well. Some moms don't mind popping in the paci until they reach that age to do it themselves independently which I thiiiink is around 8-9 months? So I've heard.
I do have my own personal experience w the paci now w DS2. Around the same age as your LO, it seemed to become a bit of a prop (as you mentioned too) particularly for nap times. However at this age, naps are wonky anyway--- but I lost my personal patience haha, with it around 4 months when babies hit that dreaded regression. He was swaddled and I had begun the process of slowly removing the swaddle as he had begun to roll. Buuuuuuuut, after I was half way done.. legs were out; I had to start w arms. He was just taking out that paci non stop and he was not sleeping. I realized the paci had become a prop as well. I removed it at 4 mths.. I know I've read around that if you want to remove the paci it's easiest before 6 months since around that time they create a personal attachment to their paci. We removed the paci and he simply found a new way to sleep. If you decide to remove it, sure it might be a rough few days/nights here and there but not long. He will find a new way to fall asleep eventually right

...again te choice is up to you mom
I would like to mention that NWs sort of begin around this time too. I know I've seen many moms (myself included- I still remember) that we're having 1 NW or none, suddenly turn into 2. One around midnight 1am when before they would sleep through until 2-3am. I think a lot of it is developmental as ours just suddenly dropped. I do what you to also remember there is a growth spurt around this time. I BF so when I went through this I simply just treated it as a NF and around 4 months or so it went away on its own as his daytime hours increased
Now, if he is waking every hour that usually tends to mean some kind of discomfort too- so it is something you may want to consider. Help soothe in someway with gas drops etc.
Hope this helps!