Author Topic: Naps, NW and EW  (Read 1835 times)

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Offline kbecks

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Naps, NW and EW
« on: November 03, 2016, 08:14:31 am »
Hi, working on Dd2 who is now 15 weeks and trying to settle into some sort of routine and napping schedule.
She's quite placid and already better than her sister at this age but in trying to figure out what might be contributing to NW and EW and was wondering if anyone could help/advise???
Dd2 is on a 4 hr eating schedule and has been for weeks as she wasn't hungry at 3hrs quite early on.  She has been sleeping on Average 6.30pm-6.30am with a DF and we went through NW for her dummy but we worked on that and she became less reliant on it and learnt to self settle through to 6-7am ish regularly.
She was a serial 45 min napper through the day unless held but with doing things with DD1 that was just what happened. 
This week I've worked more on cot napping and have had these sort of days;

WU 6.45
S 8.45-9.30
S 11.45-1.45
S 3.30-4.30
bed 6.30

WU 7.00
S 9.00-9.45
S 11.50-2.50
S 5-5.45
S 7.20

WU 6.30
S 8.10-8.55
S 11.05- 1.45
S 3.45-4.30
Bed 6.30

As you can see we're getting short naps with long lunchtime naps but the nw are worse with it starting any time from 3.30am and I'm ending up taking her into my bed to get her to sleep so she doesn't wake dd1.

Any thoughts/suggestions?

The short morning nap does work for us as I'm generally going somewhere with dd1 but I'm wondering if it's having some impact?

Also, I know there's a sleep regression now so not sure if it's just that....

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Re: Naps, NW and EW
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2016, 11:13:35 am »
Hi there - wow you get super long mid day naps!!

trying to figure out what might be contributing to NW and EW and was wondering if anyone could help/advise???
Sorry I'm not seeing these on your EASY. Do you mean she is awake and ready to start the day at 3.30am when you are taking her into your bed? Does she go back to sleep in your bed as it seems her WU time is around 6.30-7am?

Offline kbecks

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Re: Naps, NW and EW
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2016, 13:30:53 pm »
Hi, thanks for replying.  Yes, she is going back to sleep but only because I'm taking her in with me.  As opposed to a few weeks ago where she was stirring but going back to sleep she is waking with eyes fully open, head lifting and looking round which is why I'm going on to get her back asleep as she's starting to wake dd1!

The long day naps are a new thing this week so are a surprise to me too and as I didn't have them with dd1 I'm new to this experience! It took until 10 months and down to 1 map for dd1 to have 2hr naps!!!

This is why I'm at a bit of a loss.

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Re: Naps, NW and EW
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2016, 13:45:46 pm »
OK. A habit can set in if you keep taking her into your bed in the night. I know you don't want your other child disturbed so it is a hard decision to make. As she *can* go back to sleep there is no reason why she can't do it in her own bed, but you have to keep her in there and be strict on it.  If she can and is going back to sleep then really I would imagine it would be cracked in 3-5 nights of consistently soothing in the cot or in arms and putting back in the cot rather than co-sleeping. It is short term disturbance for longer term better sleep for all the family.

Whilst you decide what to do there though I would also suggest capping that long nap which may help her nod off easier in the night at the 3am ish waking - this might erradicate the problem of disturbingthe house and wnating to come to your bed or it might not. It might make it easier to get her to settle in her own cot when you decide to make her stay there rather than co sleep. Hope that makes sense.

If you are happy to have 2 CNs and 1 longer nap because it suits your daily routine with the family (ie going out in the morning) then I'd suggest trying:
- both CNs 45-60 min long and no longer than 60 min (this is taken from your samples above)
- the long mid day nap not to go over 2hrs

What do you think?

Offline kbecks

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Re: Naps, NW and EW
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2016, 13:52:51 pm »
Thanks for the help.

I was wondering about capping the nap to 2 hrs but as this had never happened to me I wasn't sure if you should always leave little ones when they're this young. I'm well practiced at caking it for my toddler before she dropped it.

I know I shouldn't take her in with me due to habits forming which is why I want to make sure I do everything I can to get schedule to limit the nw and help her transition into more sleep.  She's done it before so I know she can do it but I did think the daytime was effecting her which hopefully the capping may support.

Thanks for your help. 

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Re: Naps, NW and EW
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2016, 14:28:12 pm »
Well, good luck, let us know how you get on. FX for you :)