Author Topic: 11 week old - problems self soothing  (Read 1230 times)

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Offline Vally

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11 week old - problems self soothing
« on: November 04, 2016, 03:26:25 am »
DS2 is my third but very different to the others in terms of sleep. He is a really happy boy and really content during the day despite naps being very hit and miss as he kind of just has to fit around the other two. The problem is nights. The others used their thumbs to self settle although can't quite remember when this started so I was hoping DS2 would be a thumb sucker but no signs yet. He loves his Paci which I don't mind. However I do think it's causing a problem with nights. He goes to bed at 6-630pn sometimes with or without PACI. He mostly sleeps for 6 hours and then wakes for a feed around 1230pm. He will then wake about 330pm for a feed but often earlier at 230pm and I know he's not hungry as will often take 1ounxw then back to sleep. If I give him the Paci he will go back to sleep after half an hour as he really just needs to suckle to get back to sleep. He will also often wake again st 4am regardless of his last feed and again needs his Paci. Often by 5am I will bring him into my bed and with a few sucks on his Paci will be asleep until sometimes 8am. Should I remove the Paci to teach him to self soothe or is he too young? Do you think there is still chance for him to switch to thumb sucking?

Offline jessmum46

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Re: 11 week old - problems self soothing
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2016, 13:56:50 pm »
Honestly, I think he's doing great :D  11 weeks is still very tiny, he can certainly begin to learn some self-soothing skills with shh pat but I would think it very normal for him to still need some help at this age.  Particularly if naps aren't ideal and he's a bit OT. Paci props tend to cause issues a bit later in my experience, it seems like the 4 month mark (and 'sleep regression') is where you really start seeing the effects of accidental parenting.  I probably wouldn't remove the paci at this age from a SIDS risk point of view if it is something he is used to - 6 months is I believe the suggested age for doing so if you wish.  With regards thumb sucking, yes he may well do, but he might not.  It's not the only way to self-soothe though - I have one who sucks her wrist, and have seen others suck fingers, the corner of a lovey, or just twirl their hair or cuddle a toy :)

Offline Vally

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Re: 11 week old - problems self soothing
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2016, 21:25:17 pm »
Thank you and I am glad you feel it's too young to take Paci away as I feel it really soothes him. I just can't understand why he's waking so much in the night as up until about a week ago he was waking 2/3 times and now about 5!!!  I think maybe down to lack of EASY in the day due to short napping all day. I'm going to try him with Infacol again as I was giving it to him but a week ago stopped. When he wakes in the night he's constantly parping away so wandering he's suffering with wind in the night?

Offline jessmum46

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Re: 11 week old - problems self soothing
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2016, 13:12:22 pm »
Could be, does he show any signs of tummy discomfort in the day?  What about his poops, are they normal colour/consistency?