Hi there, we are REALLY struggling with DS2 at the moment, to the point where I just don't know what to do any more. He has been waking at around 4-4.30 for as long as I can remember and he just won't go back to sleep after. We give home a bottle then put him back down, he shouts or cries, we pick him up and try to cuddle him to sleep, the same thing. It's like his brain his engaged and he just won't go back to sleep. That wakes DS1 up, and everyone is up.
He has been on 1 nap for a couple of months as he simply won't take 2 naps (he is low sleep needs) so I've been putting him to bed for his nap at 10am when he wakes at 4 or 4.30
WU 4-4.30 bottle 7 oz
E 6am porridge
S 10-11.30 or 12 sometimes
E 4.30 dinner
S 6.15
His wake up time never changes regardless of the time we put him to bed, I've tried doing it later if we're out in the day and he has a later short nap -it seems to make no difference. It's really hard keeping him awake until 10 some days and he is so grumpy by then that he's just unbearable. I know it's awful to say but I just resent him so much sometimes for disrupting everyone, especially DS1 who has just started school. We are all in bed early every night as we are just so tired and I don't know how to fix it. Does anyone have any ideas? We've tried leaving him in the morning but he just shouts and gets wound up and then everyone is grumpy. Push the nap back maybe? I don't cap his nap, he wakes naturally from it. Sometimes he will fall asleep on the school run about 9 and I let him sleep for 20 mins but then he's a nightmare taking a longer nap later. I feel like I've tried everything and now I've just reached the end of the line!