Author Topic: EASY schedules for an almost 7 month old please?  (Read 1525 times)

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EASY schedules for an almost 7 month old please?
« on: December 09, 2016, 11:42:59 am »
Would you lovely ladies mind sharing your EASY routine for an almost 7 month old on 2 naps? I have looked on here but some are quite old threads. I'm just finding it a bit tricky to fit bottles and solids in (I'm wondering if it's getting near a time to drop a bottle...not sure🤔)

Would love to see what you all are doing if you don't mind.
Thanks xx

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Re: EASY schedules for an almost 7 month old please?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2016, 12:30:24 pm »
I don't remember our EASY exactly from back then but I do remember finding it really tricky to fit in all the milk and solids feeds. It felt like I was feeding all day. I was reassured here that it would settle down and get easier as the solids feeds speeded up and A times stretched out, and it was true, it did get easier. I'd keep going with 4 milk feeds in the day for a good while yet so no bottle dropping...unless you have 5 or 6 day feeds in there that is.