He is on .9ml of Ranitidine 2x a day. That seems to be keeping it under control now. We just upped it this week.
So yesterday he was so tired for first nap (after a terrible night of sleep) that I put him down without his bottle because he was already half asleep. Then before second nap my husband had just fed him 15 min before so we skipped it. So I used that opportunity to just stop pre-nap bottles cold turkey. Seems no different so far. I've been doing 4 or 5 oz at a feeding with no or little increase in overflow spit up. Hooray!
However our night sleep has gone to crap. He wakes up every 15 min from 4 or 5am on (falls asleep again each time with a paci and belly patting, screams if I leave him) and then wakes up for the day (happy) at 5:30 or 6.