Hi, I have issues with my baby girl's sleep again.
I still Bf and I find it hard to console her when she wakes during the night.
Her Easy is approximately
6.30 eu and bf
8 breakfast
10 nap, sometimes lately she won't sleep at all
12 lunch
2 pm nap-length depends on how much she slept in the morning
4 pm snack
6.30 dinner
8 bedtime
Lately she started waking around 1 am and my husband would pick her up to calm her down.
Then she'd wake again around 5.30 but it started getting earlier and earlier. I bF and she drifts back to sleep, sometimes until 7.30.
How can I overcome her wakings and do I need to start giving her milk immediately followed by breakfast. This morning she was fussy but I managed to feed her milk and breakfast at 7.
Tried to wait when she wakes at night to let her go back to sleep but she keeps wheeling so I finally gave up and picked her up 3 times.