Hi everyone
Looking to switch feeds for my DS (9 mo) from milk-first to solids-first in terms of feeding order... which I think will end up resulting in 3 bottles a day.
I can't remember from my previous baby - is this too early for 3 bottles?
He's a good feeder (always has been) - 3 full meals (plus have introduced a few snacks mostly for fun, keeping him busy, eg: gnawing on a rusk or a large piece of apple). Milk feeds currently around 32 oz (1000ml) a day which I think is kind of on the high side even though he's a big boy 27lbs. The child-health-nurse advice in my country (New Zealand) tends to be milk feeds of around 600ml (20oz) per day.
Eating a great variety of food - meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and starting to introduce bread/grains.
Any advice would be appreciated. EASY is currently:
6am WU
6.30 am bottle
7.30 am breakfast
10 am nap
12 pm WU bottle
1 pm lunch
3 pm cat nap
4 pm WU - try him on a bottle now but not always interested
5 pm dinner
6.30 pm bottle/bed/bath etc
Has finally stopped night waking (hurrah!).