Hi there again ladies. DS2 is now 13 months old and still not sleeping through - we are officially exhausted. He is an independent sleeper in that I always put him down for naps awake and he falls asleep on his own, at bedtime he has a bottle and is usually drowsy but awake when he goes to sleep. He has two bunnies that he sleeps with as his comforters. However, for the past few months he wakes up anywhere between 11 and 4, sometimes twice, and because we are so tired we give him a bottle and he goes back to sleep. A good night is bed at 6.30ish and wake up 4, bottle then back to sleep until 5.30.
Here is our last few days EASY
Tuesday (at nursery)
WU 5.45 (after bottle at 4)
E 7.30 breakfast
S 12.30-2.30
E dinner 5.00 (he's not a big eater)
S 9oz milk, asleep at 7
NW 11pm (bottle and asleep) and 3am (watered down bottle and asleep)
WU 5.30
E 7am breakfast
S 11-12.10 (he was at my mums and I told her to wake him after an hour in a hope of stopping the NW)
E dinner 4.30
S 9oz bottle and asleep by 6.30
WU 5.15 after NW at 4 (bottle then back to sleep)
E 6am breakfast
S 10-11 - we had to go out and he fell asleep in the pram)
BT 6pm
So last night we had NW at 1 and 3 - both times we have a bottle, the second one was very watered down. He woke again at 5 this morning.
I know we have to stop the bottles at night, but when we've tried before he just screams and points to the shelf where we normally put them in his room. And because he goes straight to sleep with a bottle, versus up to 2 hours previously trying to get him back to sleep without one, we do what we can to get some sleep.
I think he is quite low sleep needs, he never does more than 11 hours at night, and a few times in the past week I have let him sleep two hours in the day and he's been up more in the night. I just don't know where to start! I was thinking push his nap back to 12 and wake him at 1.30 maybe? He has two more bottom teeth that have popped up recently but he doesn't seem bothered by it - I just don't know what is causing th random wakings! I hope someone can help x