Here I am again, still seeing no real improvements in our nights with DD2.
we also have very unpredictable naps and the
tiredness coupled with DD1 also waking is really getting me down.
I will focus on DD1 in this post though.
She is 8 months and 1 week now, I am offering solids 3x a day and trying my hardest to get the milk oz in but she just isn't interested.
Here are some examples of our days and nights over the past week
Monday 9th (34 weeks)
WU 5.50 am ( wouldn't resettle)
E 7am 4 oz (wouldn't take more
7.45am porridge
S (fell asleep on school run) 8.30-8.40, 9.10-9.50 in pram
E 10.30 6oz
E 12.00 lunch- 1/3 jar + fruit pot
S 1pm-1.25pm ( wouldnt resettle)
E 2.30 6oz
S 3.50-4.30pm
E 5pm veg puree + custard
E 6.30pm 8 oz bottle
S 7pm
dummy at 12.00 & 12.45am
5.20am woke, wouldn't resettle, tried bottle
5.40am 5 oz
WU 5.20am (urgh urgh urgh)
E 5.40 am 5oz
7 am refused bottle
7.20am porridge & fruit & yoghurt
S 8.10-9.10 (in car on way to swim)
E 11am veg in cheese sauce, fruit custard
S 11.45-1pm
E 1.45pm 6oz
S 3.55pm-4.35pm
E 5pm solids
E 6.20 6oz
S 6.55pm-
dummy @ 1am and 2am then slept
WU 6.20 am
WU 5.20am wouldn't settle ( did realsie at 6.30 she had a dirty nappy)
6.45am 5oz
7.30am porridge and fruit
S 9.20-10am ( in pram from 8.45am)
E 10.30am 2oz
12pm lunch ( barely any)
S 12.50-1.30pm ( wouldn't resettle)
E 2.30 6oz
S 4.05-4.45pm
E 5pm chicken puree + yoghurt
E 6.30pm 8oz
S 7.10pm-
E ( thought we would try a dreamfeed to try and stop the 5am wakes)
10.30pm DF 3oz
WU 2am, wouldn't resettle so
2.40am 120 ml of (3 scoops in 7 oz)
S 3am-5.30am
WU 6.30am
E 7.20am 60ml
E 8am breakfast
s 9.30-10.50am ( wow)
E 11.30 lunch
E 12.45 6 oz milk ( was crying for it)
S 2-4pm
E 4.10 2 oz
5pm tea- not interested
6.30 7oz
S 7pm- two dummy runs pre 10pm
1am dummy
3 am wake, left until 3.20am, 3.30 am 3 oz
s 4am- 6.45am
Monday 23rd
WU 6.45ish
E 7.20am 60ml ( she is just never interested in her morning bottle)
8 am porridge
S 9.35-10.30 in cot
E 11am 50 ml ( offfered as had had no milk in am)
12pm lunch
S 1.15-3.45pm (What??? is she ill?

E 4pm 7 oz bottle
E fussy tea
E 6.20 7 oz milk
S 6.45-
several dummy runs pre 10pm
1am dummy
.3.30 wake, unsettled, 3.40am offered bottle wouldnt take
finally asleep
4.55am-6am - dummy, then 6.05-7am
So when I can i push her to 3 hour A time but sometimes she really cannot manage it. My only two full days with her are monday and tuesdays. On the other days if I have DD1 I cannot spend 30 mins trying to resettle after a 40 min nap, so those have to be three nap days
regardless if we dream feed she wakes up and doesn't self settle very often. I am nervous of getting rid of the dummy but feel that may be the only way.
She has such a low milk intake that i am trying to keep the mid afternoon bottle however if she sleeps over that 2-3pm slot, the milk seems to knock her off wanting her tea.
Regardless of whether she has had a bottle in the night or not she is not keen on the first am bottle even if she is awake for an hour.
I am just at a loss really of how to make sense of our days to try and get the nights on track.
I cannot believe I am still up 3-6 times a night with an 8 month old.
I am exhausted
Any advice? x