Hi, I think I've just gotten too used to a child that sleeps a 12 hour night. Now think she needs less, so I'm aiming for an 11 hour night, ish. Provided we've had a half decent nap. Just sad when you've nailed sleep after such a hard slog and then it goes upside down again
Her dad just looks at me like I'm mental. They don't get how hard us mums work at helping their kids settle and sleep etc. He just thinks I'm potty and kids just do stuff with no help or input from us
Could be interesting this week as I'm having a couple of days away with a friend and leaving him in total charge.
He says I control things, I think I'd call it manage things, without my guidance our daughter wouldn't eat, drink or be appropriately dressed, left to his devices
After today's meltdown and her wanting to go to bed at 11 for her nap, she only had about an hour and a half, so awake before 1. I was so confused as to when to do bedtime. She's so hard to read cos she's onto us at bedtime and will try every trick in the book to avoid bath, story and bed!
Despite being snuggly on my knee and wanting to get into her cot, she still fannied about for about 30 mins. I pushed the routine back by 15 mins, so down for 6:45. After hubby went up and tucked her back in at about 7:15, she settled off by 7:30.
Does this mean we now need a 7:30 bedtime??
Oh, she woke at about 6:45 this morning.
Besides the morning meltdown, she's been on good form today. She's played well and eaten well.
The canines are all through now so fingers crossed she will get some relief
Thanks for your support x