Thank you so much for your response trishr! I am totally with you on the 4 hour routine, we had started moving it that direction a couple weeks ago but so many issues popped up all at the same time that our entire routine got completely thrown out of whack.
I think when we transitioned my now 3 yo she did the same as your little one and just moved right over to a 4 hour rather then bumping it slowly. I'm going to take your advice here and try that...
However a new bump in the road is her naps have completely dissolved into nothing haha. I'm really hoping this is just a 4 month sleep regression and have posted on the Naps forum.. but I'll see if you might have insight?
For the last 3-4 days she wakes.. I mean completely wakes after 40mins sleep, I've snuck in at 30 mins to try to catch her while she is just starting to stir and put her soother in but there was no stirring, her eyes just popped open and she started to sing and coo. There has been no getting her back to sleep after this, try as I may, and believe me I have tried! Someone suggested she may be UT but I don't think that's the case, she is awake 1.75-2hrs in the morning and her eyes shut as soon as her head hits the pillow, she is definitely tired!
She just rolled for the first time today (from back to tummy) and the singing and cooing is new as well, she will do this before going to sleep sometimes, my oldest did the same, I think it's her way of self-soothing but it's as if she doesn't quite know how to get back to sleep after. So I'm really hoping she's just going through a developmental thing and sleep changes and we'll eventually get back on track. Currently I feel as though we have no routine. I am trying to focus on keeping her feedings normal, and for the past 2 days she has eaten more during the day. I've done one full feed at night and decreased the 2nd feed by only offering 2 oz. I will work on sleep once once her feeding is stabilized!
I do believe I saw the same post you mentioned, I'll refer back to it. Again, thank you for your support and I wish you some sleep as well!