Hi jessmum46. Thank you! I will try to keep her up a bit longer in the morning and see if it helps. She doesn't yawn much, but usually starts to fuss while playing and then rub her eyes, so I know she is getting tired. If i dont get her down pretty quick, she escalates, then it is hard for her to sleep. Also, she is mostly putting herself to sleep. When she shows signs of being tired, i take her in her room, close the blinds, turn on the sound machine, swaddle her (she usually cries when i do this) pick her up and sing her a song or two till her eyelids get heavy, then put her down in her crib and give her a binky and i leave the room. She either falls asleep right away, or sometimes I have to go replug the binky 3-4 times before she sleeps, but I just walk in shhhh her, give her the binky then walk back out. I was trying to leave a hand out of the swaddle so she can self sooth by sucking her fingers, but I think sometimes her little hands seem possessed and like to attack her face and wake her up or she startles too bad, so we've gone back to the tight swaddle for naps, she can sleep fine all night with her arms out.
This schedule is pretty typical, though some days she wakes in the middle of the afternoon hungry, eats and goes back to sleep. She has been putting herself to bed early, around 630 some nights too, and it alternates whether I wake her at 8 am or she wakes up on her own then or slightly earlier. Trying to get a good schedule going if possible snice I will be going back to work part time soon. The evening crying is the worst when she doesn't nap!
I am super grateful that she sleeps so well at night, just wish naps were a little easier. I also don't know if there's something else I can do so that she doesn't cry when I swaddle her, she usually stops when I pick her up after, but it seems like a negative association she's having for some reason.