My son is 7 months. From birth to first week of 4 months, he would go down quiet and happy for naps and bed. Since 4 months, when we changed is schedule, added solids, and he learned to roll around, we have battled naps. He will yawn and be tired, and even reach for the crib when I say Night Night time, but as I lay him down he cries. He cries every time until he falls asleep. Its hard crying too. even if I held him to rock him or calm him he cries, so we don't rock him, since it is no use. He cries either way. usually about 30-45 mins, or on a bad day an hour.
He also rarely sleeps longer than 45 mins. He usually wakes and then cries more. I try patting him to transition him but he just gets more an more upset.
The minute he is outside his room and "up" he is all smiles.
What do I do? Help please. The crying is exhausting to hear, and I want him to enjoy naps.