Hello welcome to BW forums
It looks like you have your LO on a good A time for her age but this is a common time when LOs start taking short naps (usually closer to 4 months but they are all individuals). You could try a slightly longer A time, just add another 5 or 10 mins to her A time and see if this helps. Or it could be that you could increase the level of stimulation a little instead. If you are beginning quiet time after just over 1hr of A time it might be that she is not quite as tired as needed for her nap. You could begin the quiet time and WD later in the A time but still plan to have her put down and asleep by the 1hr 30 mark. Some LOs like less of a WD (wind down) as they get a little older.
You could also use W2S (wake to sleep) to help her transition from one sleep cycle to the next, here's a link, I suggest you look at naps option 1:
How do I address habitual wakings? (wake-to-sleep and other methods)You would do this for 3 days, hold off day 4 see if she transitions alone, then continue day 5 for another cycle if she doesn't. You may ned to do several rounds of this to get her back in the habit of longer naps.
You didn't say if your LO goes to sleep independently - have you sleep trained? This can also impact on whether she is able to transition into another sleep cycle on her own or not.
With regards to feeds, I would keep her E times at roughly 3hrs regardless of what time her nap is. The EASY routine where eating follows sleep is a routine which avoids feeding to sleep (becoming a prop), when naps are short it is not expected that LO is fed at the end of every nap. Instead you will put in a little A time before the E to keep feeds more regular, your routine might look more like EASAEAS which is fine.
I suggest you record your EAS times (looks like you are anyway) and as the day goes on keep a look out for any E which might clash with S, if you see that E is going to be due at the same time as S then go ahead and feed a little early (so less than 3hr) but if it is likely to be closer to the end of nap time then you can wait until the end of the nap. If she wakes from her nap and only 2hrs 15 has passed since her previous E then put in some A time to get her close to the 3hrs. She might feed better then.
Would you also like to post on the BF board for tips on how to maintain your supply - it looks like you are a bit concerned about this?
Here's the board:
Breast FeedingHope this helps some - please do let us know how you get on and if you have any more questions.