Hello and welcome to BW forums

If your LO is taking good naps (1.5hr - 2hr) with the 1hr 15 activity time then it could just be that she does well on the lower A time - times are only for guidance and not used as a strict rule.
If however she is taking lots of short naps of 40/45 mins then I would suggest that her day time routine needs a change even if she looks and acts tired.
If she is not ready to eat as soon as she wakes and would feed better after 3hr 30min rather than directly on waking or on the 3hr mark, that's fine. Some LO just don't like to eat right away, they like to wake up a bit first, and some LOs are ready for their feed times to extend but not quite ready to be awake longer. Just check the time through the day and jot down when the next feed and sleep are due and if you see a clash about to happen you can either feed a bit earlier than the 3hr 30min to be ready in time for the nap or, if the feed is due more towards the end of nap time then she'll likely be fine to wait a touch longer and go closer to 4hrs. The routine doesn't always have to look like EASEAS but can also be EASAEAS.
I would agree with you about the night feeds. If she is resettled and then wakes again 20 min later it is likely hunger. Are you BF (breast feeding) or FF (formula feeding)? FF babies seem to do a longer stretch over night a bit younger than BF but of course BF has all sorts of other benefits. As she is not feeding more frequently than every 3hrs at night I wouldn't be concerned about any of those feeds - do always feed just before BT even if it hasn't been the full 3hrs since the previous E time, to get the longest stretch possible.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.