Little one just turned two weeks, first week I let him do his thing and see where he fell naturally. He could do 4 hours between feeds, but I felt that was to much so I moved him to a 3 hour easy. The last couple of days I would let him slept til he woke to feed usually 3-4 he range from last feeding. Now I feed every 3 hours regardless. Sometimes he is sleeping so I wake to feed him, sometimes he goes back to sleep other times I put him to bed around anywheres from 1 he to 1:30hr mark. I just watch for his cues and his fristbyawn and then take him to his room. I tried to swaddle
Him but he hates it with a passion, he likes his hands free and in his face. Today it seems like after an hour of sleep... he wakes again... I thought it was hunger so I did a yield and after feeding I got over 3 oz... so I know he's getting enough milk. Now I can only assume he is tired or over tired which is causing the waking or perhaps I'm rushing in to early? How long does one let a newborn cry at that age? I think perhaps tomorrow I should just let him sleep longer as I'm sure the waking is from being over tired and see where that goes? Thoughts anyone? Activity time is not always 1 hr to 1/12hrs... I just watch for cues and try shush pat if he is fussy.