Author Topic: EASY with my Touchy 9 WO  (Read 3973 times)

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Offline Poptart83

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Re: EASY with my Touchy 9 WO
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2017, 14:43:34 pm »
To me that shows strength of character. I hope my LO has enough self awareness to decide who he wants to hang out with and who he doesn't from such an early age. It took me about 28 years to work that out.

So we've been following your EASY outline below Creations and I've moved morning and afternoon naps to later fairly easily.... I say fairly easily because the 3pm nap fills me with dread each day as he's so hard to settle and put down. Here are my most recent questions:

1. After his 1:30 (ish) feed we play for a bit and often he wants to fall asleep which is great. However I get him into his cot he wakes within 20 minutes screaming for a feed. I've tried giving him more but he won't take it at 1:30 (we introduced a formula feed here as I am trying to wean him off BF in the day).  He will take about 6oz but then literally will not settle after this 20 minute cat nap without more milk. Which I give him either from a fresh bottle or from the breast for ease which makes the original bottle completely redundant. Should I reduce the A time here so he goes to bed full? He writhes around like a maniac too making everything that little bit more miserable.

2. He is not a fan of his cot. Never has been and our 'accidental parenting' did not help this as I or my DH just used to cradle him for his naps and pick him right up if he cried. He's only 12 weeks so still early for PUPD but any suggestions on how to settling him IN his cot? As soon as his bum hits the mattress he's awake and crying.... I've tried shush pat and have picked him up when he is actually crying - which is every time. I think he only mantra cries in the night when he wakes up at old feed times. I'm starting to dispair that he will never ever sleep in his own room :(

He literally gets in such a state I have to haul him out and it takes me 20 minutes to calm him down.

Any thoughts?



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Re: EASY with my Touchy 9 WO
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2017, 18:25:01 pm »
1. After his 1:30 (ish) feed we play for a bit and often he wants to fall asleep which is great. However I get him into his cot he wakes within 20 minutes screaming for a feed. I've tried giving him more but he won't take it at 1:30 (we introduced a formula feed here as I am trying to wean him off BF in the day).  He will take about 6oz but then literally will not settle after this 20 minute cat nap without more milk. Which I give him either from a fresh bottle or from the breast for ease which makes the original bottle completely redundant. Should I reduce the A time here so he goes to bed full? He writhes around like a maniac too making everything that little bit more miserable.
Sorry, not really sure what's happening here. You could either post your full day EASY and I'll look at the times, see if anything stands out or you might prefer to post about his feeding on the BF board?  I am pretty sure there are people who have mix fed on the BF board too.

2. He is not a fan of his cot. Never has been and our 'accidental parenting' did not help this as I or my DH just used to cradle him for his naps and pick him right up if he cried. He's only 12 weeks so still early for PUPD but any suggestions on how to settling him IN his cot? As soon as his bum hits the mattress he's awake and crying.... I've tried shush pat and have picked him up when he is actually crying - which is every time. I think he only mantra cries in the night when he wakes up at old feed times.
PUPD is really a last resort method so we always recommend shush/pat or adapted anyway, regardless of age.
If your LO is more used to rocking you could put a firm hand on him in the cot and do a rocking motion with your hand.
If you are picking up and putting him upright or kind of up to your shoulder you could instead begin to hold him horizontally so that he becomes accustomed to being soothed by you in that position which means when you put him down there are fewer changes in positioning.
You can also put down from this position and keep very firm hands on him in the cot as though you are still holding him - or even continue to hold but right down by the mattress, not the most comfortable position for you but it can help LO get the right view for the seven miles stare, the nodding, and then not be freaked out when they wake with that view point mid nap or in the night.
You can adapt and find things which work for you to help sooth him on the cot but really it is mostly a case of keep doing shush/pat (or adapted) and he will get it. The more consistent you are the easier he will understand and accept that he neds to nap in his cot.

You can play in his room and pop him in the cot in A time and play peek-a-boo, this can help with becoming more familiar with the environment and also the idea that you can go out of sight and return.

Certainly continue to pick up and sooth in arms if and when needed then back down into the cot to continue to sooth there.

Offline Poptart83

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Re: EASY with my Touchy 9 WO
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2017, 17:17:32 pm »
Thanks Creations for all your help. Unfortunately things are worse than ever. Shush Pat isn't working. Every time I try to put him down to sleep in any capacity he becomes hysterical. Any method of getting him into the cot is fruitless and I've become exhausted from trying. He's now not even sleeping in my arms :(

I have no idea what we'll do apart from muddle along. Sorry for negative post, just a very trying week with him and I jus don't think I can carry on trying and becoming so upset with failure and hysterics. If we get back on board I'll let you know.


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Re: EASY with my Touchy 9 WO
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2017, 17:53:22 pm »
Oh I'm very sorry to hear you've had such a difficult week.

Maybe LO has some reflux? Or an illness coming on (like a cold or common virus type thing)?

We are here when you want to post - even if you'd just like some hugs and support xx

Offline Poptart83

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Re: EASY with my Touchy 9 WO
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2017, 18:30:36 pm »
Thanks so much.

I honestly don't know what to think anymore. I've had him checked at the doctors twice and it was very unhelpful to be honest. Just a kind of ambivalent 'that's what babies are like' response.

I knew having a baby was going to be hard work but honestly sometimes it feels actually impossible :( I'll see how we get on and will keep checking back in.

Thanks again for your lovely kindness x

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Re: EASY with my Touchy 9 WO
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2017, 18:43:12 pm »
If he's not porrly or an illness coming then my guess would be that his routine is a bit off, he was happier a little while back and did a couple of good naps, it's possible he needs an A time increase since then so that he is tired enough for the nap. That could possibly stop him from thrashing around and refusing the nap. It is also possible that he is now more accustomed to going into his own bed for the nap and no longer happy to sleep in arms (mine was like this).
They are some possibilities.

Another possibility is silent reflux or something else health related.  Have your read the reflux symptoms list?
I've had him checked at the doctors twice and it was very unhelpful to be honest. Just a kind of ambivalent 'that's what babies are like' response.
I'm afraid this is how some docs are, very much "oh you're a first time mum are you? Babies cry you know" kind of thing.  Not all docs of course.
With my DS I had to insist on a referral to a paediatrician at the hospital after being told by several health visitors and docs that DS was fine, a happy spitter, totally normal, this is what babies do, oh you are a first time mum...and within just a few mins in the paediatrician's office she diagnosed silent reflux and prescribed medication (my description of what was happening and she heard his silent reflux which no other doc we saw seemed to hear). My DS improved so much after that. he was older than your LO as it had taken so long to get to the point of seeing the paedi.

Having a baby is hard work but sometimes it is harder than other times. you really will get through this whatever the cause is and you'll come out the other side.  these very young babies are really hard work. It is going to get easier x