Looking for advice for a 14mo old who has never really consistently sttn.
However, he is really good at independent sleep, both for naps and BT. Naps - He yawns, i take him to bed, lay him down, say good bye and walk out. BT is a more elaborate routine, but I also lay him down wide awake right after story and he can hear brothers story going on and he is super chilled.
THEN he wakes up (or grumbles and lawnmowers around the cot) between 11/12pm and again between 2 and 3am. And then EW either at 4/5am. Lately he wakes at 4:30 to poo, and can go back to sleep if we bring him into bed.
We don't bring him into bed before 5am.
We try not to PU.PD rather WI WO, but am guilty of recently holding him till he went back to sleep as we were ALL very sick for about a month.
Looking for thoughts about why he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep alone if he is so good at BT? It can't ALWAYS be teeth, developmental, etc etc!? We feel like we are constantly "making excuses" like that for him, but it's getting old.
I have been working on this problem for ages, but have decided to post a fresh topic. The old thread is