Depending on your LO's preference, you can cap any of the naps, I think. E.g., DD2 loves her morning nap so I let her sleep up to 2 hours. She is currently taking 2 naps: 1.5-2 hours in the morning and a capped afternoon nap 15mins - 45mins depending on previous activity. That's the only way I can fit everything into the day! She can handle 15mins catnaps but usually has a much shorter AT before BT as a result.
I have seen posts where some moms cap the morning nap and let their LO'shave a longer PM nap. I guess it depends on LO's preference/family lifestyle.
Here's DD2's recent routine for the week:
WU & E 7am and bottle
Solids 8:30am
AT 3:50-4:10 hrs
S 1:30-2:00 hrs
E bottle @12:30pm
Solids 1:30/1:45pm
AT 3:30-3:45 hrs
S 4pm - 4:30/4:45pm (30mins)
E. Bottle @4:30pm
Solids @5:45pm
AT 3:15 hrs
E. Bottle 10-15 mins before BT
BT. 7:45pm - 8pm.