Please help if you have any advice!
My daughter is 2 years 7 months old. We have always had some problem or other with sleep. About 8 mo this ago we very successfully used gradual withdrawal to help her lead to settle by herself at nights and naps,. This was a blessing to us as we no longer spent hours in her room waiting for her to sleep, but she would still wake several times at night.
She's slept all night about 5 times EVER! I'm beginning to get extremely fed up, exhausted and grumpy so I want to work on this.
Currently we have two routines running, one for days when she naps and one for no nsp days.
On days she naps it looks like this:
Wake up 6am
Nap1pm - 2pm (she usually only naps an hour)
Bedtime 7pm (she talks and plays, or calls for drinks, cuddles etc until around 7.30/8 the falls asleep).
On these days she will wake about twice at night
No nap days look like this
6am wake up
Bedtime between 6 and 6.30, straight to sleep no calling out or grizzling
On these nights she wakes anywhere between 2 and 8 times
When she wakes I leave her for a few minutes until her crying/calling becomes very loud. I go in and tell her to lay down, tuck her in and leave. She usually settles back to sleep but sometimes I have to go in a few more times.
I want to drop her nap but she wakes more on these nights so I'm not sure if it's a good idea? She doesn't get too grumpy on a no nap day so I don't mind her not napping, it's just the waking at night.
What can I do to encourage her to sleep all night? And should I drop her nap?
Thanks so much