Little one is a cat mapper during the day... 30/45 naps so sometimes she sleeps longer for about an hour and 30 mins but not often. I think I need to work on her activity time. She is up from eyes open to sleep for about 1 hour 15 mins ish. So maybe an extra 5 mins will do it? And she how she naps next time she wakes? Also I try like the sicken to get her to sleep for her night time sleep but in rare occasions I get 7pm ish but the most nights now it seems to be 9/10pm. Any suggestions on how to curb this? Or make it better for early bed time? Right now she gets a bottle at 10..sleeps til 3/4 wakes again 3 hrs later so 6/7 and then will wake for the day around 8 ish. Any help is greatly appreciated!!