Author Topic: So so desperate, please help with 10 week old  (Read 2584 times)

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Offline Maymamma

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So so desperate, please help with 10 week old
« on: July 24, 2017, 13:37:55 pm »
Ok so I posted here when my son was 6 weeks old and didn't really get any replies, but I'm back again because almost 5 weeks have passed and nothing has improved.

My son is a horrible sleeper and has been since birth. We didn't really even have a sleepy newborn phase. Is there anybody with some advice for me? I'm at the point now where I hate my days because they're spent trying to get him to take a decent nap and it's miserable. I am crying right now because I've been trying to soothe him back to sleep for 40 mins and it's not working.

Here is a typical day
630 - wake up , eat
730 - attempt to get down for nap number 1, usually only lasts 40-50 mins if I'm lucky
900 - give up and bring him out to play
930 - eat
1030 - start nap number 2, falls asleep but wakes up every 5-20 mins needed to be soothed again this goes on up until next time to eat - he NEVER sleeps solidly for this nap for any period of time
1230 - eat
130 - attempt another nap, usually 20 mins if at all
330 - eat
430 - 5 nap
630 - eat
745 - top him off with another 2 oz then put to bed for the night
* usually attempt another nap between 5-745 but it's just screaming
I have a 2 year old who goes to sleep at 730 and I cannot work on getting him down for then night before then for this reason.

Sometimes he'll sleep soundly until around 2-3 for a feeding , other nights he's up every hour needing to resettle

I'm simply at my wits end with all of this. Can't stand another day of it.
And he is NOT happy when he's awake. He's pretty fussy.

Also he starts daycare in a week and I know it's just going to be a disaster

Any advice ?

Offline Cather

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Re: So so desperate, please help with 10 week old
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2017, 02:25:43 am »
Hi, my baby has problems with her naps too, they are very short but i have notice that if I dedicate some time to wind down like 20 min before the nap  its better, to walk with her singing a song, play a little in her room. But  it seems your baby may have reflux? My baby is on meds for reflux and she is better. Another option is that he is so tired he cant have a good sleep. Do you have a nice wind down before bed time?, maybe a bath, a lullaby, this can improve his sleep in the night so the day is better for both. I understand,  you I've been there, with a lot of crying too,  but try to change this little thing first and we will see if it is working. I send you a lot of strength. Do not give up.

Offline Maymamma

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Re: So so desperate, please help with 10 week old
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2017, 11:02:14 am »
Hello thanks for the reply! He just recently started Zantac to rule out reflux. I also have his pack and play elevated and keep him upright after feeding. No improvements though. We do a bath before bed ever night. I can always get him to sleep it's staying asleep that's the problem. Yesterday he only slept 2 hours total between 630am-730pm! Very concerned about his lack of sleep

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Re: So so desperate, please help with 10 week old
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2017, 18:58:20 pm »
Hi there Maymamma and welcoem to BW forums
I'm so sorry to read that you didn't feel you got many replies when you last posted - and it looks like you've been waiting a while for replies to this thread too.  We do try to respond to all threads by the 24hr mark but some do get missed, we are short of a moderator on naps at the moment so have been trying to take on additional threads and cover this board as well as others.

How are things now that you've had the reflux meds?  How long has it been now, a few days? A week?

It sounds like you've really had a tough time of it.  Many of us have been reduced to tears by our LOs sleep (me included) and I know just how exhausting and hard work it can be, frustrating too when you put in so much time and effort and it feels like nothing works.
I will hold you hand here and hopefully we can come up with some ideas together to help you through this.
I will say one thing for now - day care will have a lot of experience with putting babies to sleep.  Whilst we might feel that they just can't possibly know our LOs the way we know them (of course, no one can replace Mummy) they are been through a lot of young babies and put them all to sleep day in day out.  They make a living out of it.  Try not to worry.


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Re: So so desperate, please help with 10 week old
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2017, 02:32:05 am »
I once read on another thread ( same problem) and it can be very frustrating.  My LO  has been cat napping 30/45 mins. I also have a 3 yr old and am trying my best. Some days are better than others.
Sometimes the naps end with me holding her to extend the naps, trying the wake to sleep method etc. How has the reflux been.. has it settled down ?

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Re: So so desperate, please help with 10 week old
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2017, 16:13:15 pm »
Hello - here to hold your hand too - hope your days have got a bit better now xx

Offline Maymamma

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Re: So so desperate, please help with 10 week old
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2017, 00:45:40 am »
Wow I'm happy to see I have had some replies. I forgot to come back and check on this. Unfortunately, things have not gotten better :( .. horrible naps. He also started daycare and he is literally awake all day there. Only a few 15-20 min naps. He's so exhausted when we get home he just cries and cries before finally passing out. I don't know what to do at this point

Offline Babyjoey

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Re: So so desperate, please help with 10 week old
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2017, 01:09:50 am »
hi have you tried shush pat and see if that works. Maybe he needs to blow off steam and tire himself out?  Also how bout holding his body and arms down slightly a couple minutes before he normally wakes to see if he can transition to the next stage of sleep?  My wife and I starte trying this with our one that's been waking on short naps and had some success for a day so we're keeping our fingers crossed it will continue. Stay strong

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Re: So so desperate, please help with 10 week old
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2017, 08:39:25 am »
Oh dear, really sorry to hear things have not improved.

have you spoken with daycare about how they are trying to put him down?  At what times and what methods they use to sooth?
How many days per week is he with them?

When you get home have you tried putting him to bed to see if he wants to sleep there?  I'm just mentioning this because at 10 wks my DS suddenly wanted his night bed for day time naps rather than the travel cot I'd set up in the family room. I never thought such a young baby could have a preference but as soon as I put him down there he stopped crying and went to sleep.  Maybe try it - don't leave him to cry obviously if he's not happy there but maybe just see what happens if he's offered his familiar night bed for a sleep.  I also had experience of mine screaming and i thought i must hold him as he was upset but when I tried putting down it turned out he was screaming for bed and gave me a smile when put down.

What meds is he on now (and what dose how many times per day)? and what weight is LO?