Thank you soooo much for your reply. I read this last night before bed and had been leaning towards these thoughts already. It feels good to have someone confirm it could be real and they got through it! Can I bullet point a couple of variances that you might be able to advise on? Last night we did this song and dance for 6 hours with her passing out to sleep in 20 min intervals only 3 times. I know things shouldn't be going that long but I couldn't leave the room, and I had to be touching her at all times or it was absolute melt down. Most of the time I had to hold her. Unfortunately, after the 20 min catnaps, she was refreshed and ready to play until I would leave and then absolute meltdown again. So here are my variations of what happens and maybe you can advise me as I am certain I am not doing something correctly. These can happen either when I first put her down or throughout the night.
1. Cries out but is more of a "hey, I am here awake, come hang out". I leave her alone until it becomes a distress cry.
2. When in distress cry, I try to calm her in bed. 99% of the time does not work so I pick her up. She wants to fall asleep on me but once is calm I put her down (trying pu/pd at this point). This goes into a frustration meltdown cry and we do this back and forth for up to an hour or more until she calms in the crib. Sometimes she will stay awake and we start over with #1 and sometimes she falls asleep but no more than 20-30 mins.
3. Even when I do hold her until she falls asleep, (and I hold 20 mins or more) she wakes up when I put her in the crib or at best 20-30 mins after being laid down. This goes into the scenario described in #2.
4. Sometimes she settles in the crib or after I hold and calm her and then immediately goes into play mode. Tries to smile and get my attention and talk, laugh practice crawling, etc. She has a full schedule at 2 am

Anyway, I then tell her "night-night" and "I love you" just like at naps - in a happy tone- and leave the room. When I immediately come back, she thinks it is a game. I keep leaving and coming back until she melts down into the frustration cry.
I think these are all the variations although my mind is really foggy as it has been a full week of this now and I wasn't full recouped from earlier sleep training and working FT. Thank you again for your advice. It is nice to get the first hand opinion of someone with such a similar experience.