Very quiet here!! How is everyone doing?
I have a couple of questions if there's anyone around,
One is about speech, did you find that your twins were more delayed in speech? Ds1 was an early talker-and basically never stopped

but by this age (nearly 2)'he was speaking in sentences and had a lot of words. Whereas these guys chatter a bunch of gobbledygook and do have some words but a lot less, nowhere near to sentences and and just more behind than I'd expected. I was wondering if it was maybe the twin factor of having 2 speaking gobbledygook....? And just more chattering with eachother...?
Another thing is that dd will not say ds's name, she does this clicking sound with her tongue instead and we just can't get her to say his name. And he calls himself by hr name, so when asked he gives the same answer for her name and his. But when you speak to him and say his name he responds, he doesn't respond to her name. Not worried as such but I can't say I like it either, do we just wait for them to grow out of it? We of course constantly reinforce the correct names etc without dwelling on it too much.
Another question is about potty training, I haven't read up much on the twin side of things but is he general advice to do them together or to do them seperately? (Assuming they're pretty much at the same level of readiness)
Any thoughts would be appreciated

Other than that they're extremely active, the general motto is Try to reach the unreachable, esp if it's electronic!

it's fun to see them interact more and more with eachother and with ds1.
Hope everyone else is doing well!