I was wondering if you could help me find out what is going on with my baby. She has always woken up at the 30-40min mark but manages to go back to sleep independently almost every time up to her next EASY. I've read in the past that babies may not be developmentally mature to transition from one sleep cycle to the next so I didn't worry a lot the first months, also because she stays in her crib chatting and talking and then falls back to sleep, no assistance, but yesterday, I went to the pediatrician and he told me that maybe my daughter will always be like that and that maybe she will not be a great napper after all.
I WAS IN SHOCK!!! Could this be true? My first daughter napped incredibly so I never worried about this. I really don't know how to make her nap longer without waking herself up!
Is there something I am doing wrong?
She usually wakes up at 7:45 but stays in bed until 8:00, I feed her and she plays until 9:40 that's when I start the winding down and she goes to sleep. She wakes up 30-40 minutes after, chats and giggles, sometimes fusses, and then she falls right back to sleep after 10-40 minutes, for like an hour more. Is this normal for a baby her age? Will she be able to connect cycles without waking all the way up? Is she too young to do that?
Please help!!!