Hi again, still no long naps
She's in no mood to go back to sleep when she wakes up - she usually starts giggling or squealing when she sees me come into the room! She usually gets to about 2h15-2hr20 now but still the nap is either 45m or 30m - she gets very very fussy around the 1hr45 mark but then gets a second wind and is fine until she starts rubbing her eyes and dropping her head and then she is asleep literally two minutes after she lays down in the cot.
However after this short morning nap she can do another 2 hours or so so I'm now not sure whether she needs a longer first A time actually?
The cycle then continues all day and the naps get shorter and shorter. This afternoon she woke after a 40m nap at 2:50pm. She crashed out at 5pm and woke 5.20pm and was in bed by 7.30pm.
She is 24.5 weeks now and eating a lot - this morning she'd had a bottle, a full portion of baby porridge, filled her nappy and was obviously tired so thought surely that would lead to a nice long nap - it would me!!
Any other advice???