Author Topic: Shush Pat for naps trainin  (Read 1333 times)

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Offline Babyjoey

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Shush Pat for naps trainin
« on: August 20, 2017, 21:21:37 pm »
Hi I have a 3 month old that's  been rocked to sleep since birth and always slept on our chest in order to sleep past 45 minutes. He would sometimes take more than an hour to put down for naps and would never go to sleep on his own. We have tried shush pat for 2 days now with some success as it's taken anywhere from 5 to 25 minutes to get him to sleep but that 5 to 25 minutes is straight crying in our arms. Is this normal for a baby that's used to props to get to sleep?

 Should the time to get him settled come down to the point eventually that we can just lay him in the crib and shush/pat him and he won't need to be picked up?  How long did that take others to achieve?Thanks for any advice in advance!

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Re: Shush Pat for naps trainin
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2017, 08:47:59 am »
Generally what you'd be aiming for is a suitable amount of WD (wind down) time which could be sitting or standing holding him and either shush/patting or even a little rocking if that's what calms him before putting down in the cot and once in the cot just a little pat or firm hand say goodnight and leave. And he would be happy to settle himself and go to sleep. That's the goal.
The WD time for LOs can vary. Some LOs do need longer, some hate a long WD and it is down to learning your LO's character and personality which can take time.  My own LO screamed his head off if I tried a long WD and I learned to make it short, quick nappy change, into bedroom, one song whilst holding (dancing/rocking) then into cot and he'd just smile before I left the room then self settle.  That doesn't mean it was like that 100% of the time, LO have all sorts of difficulty with developmental leaps, routine changes, nap drops, teething etc etc and through those times they can need more help (sometimes an hour for me) but these are generally phases you get through before returning to normality and independence again.

5 - 25 mins to get him to sleep does not sound bad at all however the crying is probably not very nice.
have you tried putting him down a bit sooner and keeping your hands on him in the cot? Either patting or making a small rocking motion using a firm hand if he is used to rocking.  Maybe try, see what happens.  Obviously if he continues to cry hard pick up and comfort him.
Could you record your EASY time and post them so we can have a look please?

Offline Babyjoey

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Re: Shush Pat for naps trainin
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2017, 11:47:34 am »
Thank you for your response!  I need to get the exact times from my wife for the EASY method she started this week. I will follow up with that.

I guess the main question I had is is it normal for my baby to cry for 5 to 15 minutes in my arms until he finally calms down and then puts his head down and closes his eyes?  At that point we put him down in his bassinet or crib and continue shush/pat until he goes into a deep sleep.  Is this the correct strategy?  Eventually will he just realize that shush/pat means time to go to bed?  Thanks again for your help. 

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Re: Shush Pat for naps trainin
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2017, 06:40:33 am »
There can be various reasons a baby cries before sleep - some just do, they seem to need to release the emotion before they can relax, but sometimes it can be because they are trying to tell you something such as that they are not yet tired enough or too tired or are in discomfort.
The BW methods are not no-cry methods so you can expect to stay with LO and continue to sooth and support whilst he is crying but equally if there is something that can help make the whole process calmer then we'd look for that too.
When you post your EASY if you can show the times it takes for him to calm and settle (ie which parts of the day he is crying for 5 mins and which are more like 15 mins or longer perhaps) this information can help.  I'm not saying we can "solve" this but if there is a slight tweak which can be made to the routine to suit your LO better I may be able to advise on that.
As you started EASY very recently there is expected to be a phase of getting used to the routine - but also the routine samples in the BW books are only guidance and we tend to work routines to the individual rather than a one-size-fits-all schedule.

hope this helps