Author Topic: Pick up Put down help needed for 5 month old please!!! Going a bit mad...  (Read 1258 times)

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Offline Beetebbs

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Hi there,
This is my first time on the forum and looking for some help. I have a 2 year old (who was a terrible sleeper until 1 year) and a 5 month old who seems to be similarly tricky atvgettinf to nap. Up until 6 weeks my baby was a great sleeper and she still sleeps wonderfully at night, but her napping is awful. She has soya and egg allergies which weren't diagnosed until 14 weeks, by which time she had been having all her naps in the carrier because her pain and reflux. She's a big girl and is now only sleeping for 30 minutes at a time so we decided to try PUPD to try and improve the  situation as she won't nap ANYWHERE but the sling which is killing my back! She's also having lots of naps a day as they're so short!
Started PUPD yesterday and things were improving except she takes sooooo long to settle that she's over tired by the time she goes to sleep so she only sleeps for 30 minutes. Won't take a dummy, have tried white noise but she won't go through to a second sleep cycle. She's EXHAUSTED!
Any advice?

Offline Silvasmile

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Hi welcome to the forum.

I have a pretty similar situation my DS is 16 weeks and goes through cat naps since birth due to dairy intolerance. It has been only 1 week since I have started WTS which didn't work at the begging and at the 30 or 40 minute mark  LO would wake up and I would start with PU/PD. First 2 days it took me over 3 hours to put an over tired baby to sleep, on the third day barely 45 minutes. It works and it will eventually take less time but you got to be consistent and don't cave in to the crying. Today was first day in a week where he had 3 of his naps that lasted over an hour.

So I can only suggest to try wake to sleep to help transition through the sleep cycles

Offline becj86

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Re: Pick up Put down help needed for 5 month old please!!! Going a bit mad...
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2017, 03:38:09 am »
Hi Beetebbs,

Happy to help out if you're still around. All 30min naps sounds like routine could need a bit of a tweak, so if you could post what your day looks like in EAS format, we may be more assistance.